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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> (1)part of the river front trail in six (6)that is not in a TIF area right now, and ten(10) is the Coal <br /> Line trail. So that is the thinking here. <br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, So when you look at LaSalle Park,Pulaski Park and the Coal <br /> Line,those particular initiatives are not a part of the Park Bond. Is that what you are saying? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, Part of them are. For an example, for the Charles Black Center, it ended up <br /> being about$4.5 million. The 2015 Park Bond covered$3 million and the River West TIF covered <br /> $1.5 million. We don't need to expand it because the park services the TIF area so we were still <br /> able to use the TIF funds. It is just cleaner to incorporate the parks into the TIF areas. <br /> Councilmember White followed up, And the West Washington TIF, the monies in that particular <br /> TIF,what are the plans for those?And have you engaged the various neighbors and neighborhood <br /> association to talk about what happens with the historical parts and the crossing over? <br /> Mr.Mueller replied,We had a good dialogue at the budget input meeting last week.We are looking <br /> at different ways of connecting downtown all the way into the West Washington District. On the <br /> docket, so far, is money for the street conversion just south of the Cemetery. We want to convert <br /> it from one (1) way to two (2) way. There is also in the works, nothing confirmed or done yet, but <br /> assistance with getting the Washington Colfax Apartments. <br /> Mr. Mueller went on, In addition to adding Mishawaka Avenue to the River East TIF, we are also <br /> looking at the Miami Street Corridor to the River West TIF which is about thirty-six (36) acres. <br /> We also have some potential options where we swap some area with the South Side TIF. Option <br /> one (1) would be moving the South Side TIF into the southern part of the Miami Street corridor. <br /> This would allow for the South Side TIF to fund some of the South East Master Plan which would <br /> include the Calvert Boulevard. It would also help with the Miami Hills Apartments.And then there <br /> is also the plan to expand the South Side TIF to cover the entire South East Master Plan area. One <br /> (1) of the benefits of this is even though the River West TIF is the largest TIF and it generates the <br /> most, it is also strained by a lot of debt service and other things. Whereas the South Side TIF, we <br /> are doing as many proactive things there and there is a significant funding stream that if we are <br /> able to utilize the South Side for it to help implement the South East Master Plan, that would <br /> unlock the River East for future plans. <br /> Mr. Mueller continued, In summary, we are looking to complete the 2014 River West <br /> commitments. There is a declaratory resolution from the REC. Our thought has been doing as <br /> much as we can all together just to save on different pieces but, if there is a desire to do the 2014 <br /> commitments clean, we can do that as well. There are also the corridor plans,the implementation <br /> of the active plans,the development on the City's edge, and the potential net reduction of total TIF <br /> area. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic opened the floor to members of the public for comment. <br /> Jim Bognar, 807 W. Washington Street, stated, In a recent South Bend Tribute article about Dr. <br /> David Varner,the following questions were posed to him and he gave interesting answers. You've <br /> complained repeatedly over the years, the City has placed too much property in the Tax <br /> Incremental Financing Districts, keeping new property tax revenue from much needed parts of <br /> City Government such as neighborhoods, streets,curbs and sidewalks,and funding Police and Fire <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 M574.235.5567 <br /> 3 <br />