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Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />July 9, 2DD7 <br />Page 6 <br />was voluntarily annexed into the city. The real estate will be "tax bearing properties"; <br />with some being leased and some being sold. The Northeast Neighborhood is very <br />important to the city, which has had a sometimes "troubled and blighted past". In 2000 <br />NNR~ was founded for urban redevelopment at a cast to the founding organizations. <br />He urged the Committee to move forward on this new development. <br />Mayor Stephen Luecke with offices on the 14t" Floor of the County-City Building noted <br />that city staff and institutional partners have been working for a long time. He <br />appreciates Kite's cammitments. He noted that public infra-structure would be paid <br />from the taxes from the development. He urged the Committee to recommend the <br />substitute ordinance favorably. <br />Council Member Kirsits noted that the time was now 4:30 p.m. and that any persons <br />wishing to speak in opposition to Substitute Bill No. 26-06 should provide their name <br />and address and give their comments to the Committee. <br />Steve Sabo noted that he has offices located on Mishawaka Avenue in South Bend. He <br />is "alarmed" by the development which "began as a Village in the Woods" and is now <br />the "City of Notre Dame at the expense of South Bend with some service level jobs". <br />He stated that it is "way out of scale'; would drain from downtown South Bend; would <br />became a new urban hub by Notre Dame while downtown South Bend needs <br />development badly". He does not believe that it should be given "favored status, since it <br />is draining the life blood out of downtown". <br />Elizabeth Van Jacob of 1114 Stanfield Street noted that she was speaking for Julie and <br />Joe Harman. She then read a July 4, 2007 2-page memo into the record (copy <br />attached}. She lighted eight (8) areas: <br />1. Height of the buildings on both sides of Eddy Street <br />2. Height of the full service hotel and relocation of condominiums <br />3. Quality screening <br />4. Incorporation of a firehouse and walking beat patrol officer <br />5. Restricted parking on neighborhood streets <br />6. Additional traffic studies <br />7. Walkable green space <br />8. No free standing barslpubslalehouses in Area 1 of the development <br />She asked for concessions on each of these topics, <br />Jessica Payne of 1119 North Frances noted her concerns are for the "overall success <br />of the project". She asked the Council Members to ask questions and find answers; and <br />to verify information. She stated that proposed heights are above Code requirements <br />and PUD requirements. She appreciates the commitment to nine (9} stories for the full- <br />service hotel since twelve (12} stories would be permitted. She alleged that the project <br />