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Zoning and Annexation Committee <br />July 9, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />they have had no input, when repeated attempts over the past many years far <br />participation have taken place. She has seen too many student rentals in the area with <br />associated neighborhood problems. She stated that the project means "way too much <br />to the neighborhood and the city" and urged the Committee for its full support. <br />Luella Webster of 701 East Howard noted that she has lived in the area far 23 years. <br />She noted that the woods have trees which have fallen down and are the home to rats, <br />squirrels, possums and other rodents, and that a shooting has taken place near the <br />woods. She urged the Committee for its support. <br />Jim Roemer noted that he formerly lived at 422 East Angela and fully approves of the <br />project. He believes it would be "a wonderful opportunity for retail and residential <br />development" Many great organizations came together and provided the needed <br />money to begin discussions over many years for this development. Working together <br />the city can move forward on this great project. <br />Dick Nussbaum, an attorney far the past thirty (30} years, with offices at 210 South <br />Michigan Street noted that in 2000 he was asked to form the NNRO as a nat-for-profit <br />corporation. The NNRO is designed to take advantage of the institutional members who <br />have an equal amount of residents from the area on the Board. Trust has been <br />developed and earned. In December 2003 the plan was approved and critical tax <br />legislation for residential T11= for the Triangle Project was enacted, both are very <br />important to the success of this area. He believes the project could be a model which <br />could be copies into other parts of the city. He noted That he also sits on the University <br />of Notre Dame Board which is 100°1o behind this project. They have made <br />commitments to "make sure that the project turns out right". <br />Juan Manigault of 1623 Kevin Court stated that this is a great project. $200 million of <br />private investment will result in the growth of the tax base; increased property values; <br />great partnerships will attract new consumers which will be anchors. He fully supports <br />the development. <br />Greg Hakanen, Director of Asset Management and rEal Estate Development for the <br />University of Notre Dame noted that the Council has received a letter from James J. <br />Lyphout, Vice-President far Business Operations (July 6, 2007 letter attached}. Mr. <br />Lyphout is at a planning retreat and cannot be present today. The site is critical to the <br />success of the project. The wooded area does not contain "high-quality woods" and has <br />been used as a garbage dump and ash dump. Approximately one-third (113) or 6 '/z <br />acres of the wooded area will be preserved of the almost 19 acres. He noted that an <br />additional twelve (12} acres will be development by the University of Notre Dame as a <br />Town Commons at the northwest corner of Edison and Eddy where approximately 2DD <br />trees and other plantings will take place. Last year the land in question for the rezoning <br />