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(#) ,(I~Minority means any person who is: <br />1. Black (all persons having origins in any of the Black African racial groups not <br />of Hispanic origin); or <br />2. Hispanic (all persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South <br />American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race). <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />(k) <br />no+-*:~na • r+~ar 4~,e « rr,en4c~ ~f 4~in n{~nr~tnr- <br />(1 "Minority Business Enterprise," (hereinafter referred to as "MBE") means a business <br />concern and "Minority Business Enterprise" (hereinafter referred to as "MBE" means any <br />minority-owned business which has been certified under the requirements of this <br />chapter. <br />,~) Which is at least fift~ne percent (51 % owned by one or more minority <br />individuals or in the case of any publicly owned business, at least fift -one <br />percent (51 %) of the stock of which is owned by one or more minority <br />individuals; and <br />(b) Whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or <br />more of the minority individuals who own it. <br />ml "Small business concern" means a small business as defined pursuant to_ Section 3 _of <br />the Small Business Act and relevant regulations promulgated pursuant thereto except that <br />a small business concern shall not include any concern or group of concerns controlled by <br />the same socially and economically disadvantaged individual or individuals which has <br />annual average cross receipts in excess of $1.5 million over the previous three fiscal <br />• ey ars. <br />(n "Socially and economically disadvantaged individuals" (hereinafter referred to as <br />"disadvantaged individuals"~ means those individuals who are citizens of the United <br />States or lawfully admitted permanent residents, and who are women, Black Americans, <br />Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans or Asian-Indian <br />Americans and any other minorities_ or individuals found to be disadvanta eg d by the <br />Small Business Administration pursuant to Section 3 and Section 8(a) of the Small <br />Business Act. <br />(o) "Small local business enterprise" or "SLBE" means a business enterprise having its <br />4 <br />