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Ideally, disputes should be resolved internally within each department, agency, board or <br />commission. In the event a dispute cannot be resolved internally: <br />(1) A City employee should file a complaint with the Personnel Coordinator; <br />(2) An applicant should notify the Personnel Coordinator of the problem in an effort to <br />resolve the dispute; and <br />(3) A City employee or applicant shall also have all rights available under Chapter 2, <br />Article 9 of this Code, entitled "Human Rights Ordinance." <br />(f) Nothing in this article shall be construed or implemented to permit preferential protection <br />against layoffs to any employee because of that employee's race, sex, or national origin. <br />SECTION III. Article 3 of Chapter 14.Sof the South Bend Municipal Code is amended <br />in its entirety to read as follows; <br />ARTICLE 3. DIVERSITY ACTION IN CONTRACTING <br />Sec. 14.5-5. Application of this article. <br />This article shall apply to all bidders and contractors for all City contracts. <br />Sec. 14.5-6. t1-~~ Diversi action. procedures. <br />(a) Qualiftcation. Each bidder under a City contract must be qualified in order to be <br />considered a responsible and responsive bidder pursuant to IC 36-1-9.5-19 and IC 36-1-12-1 <br />et seq. In this regard the city and its contractors are required to comply with both the letter <br />and spirit of this chapter Section 3 requirements outlined in 24 C.F.R. Part 135, Title VI of <br />the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Executive Order 11625, October 13, 1971, Executive Order <br />11246 and other laws applicable to providing contracting opportunities to Disadvantaged <br />Business Enterprises and Minority Business Enterprises. <br />(1) Requirements. The requirements for qualification are as follows: <br />a. Nondiscrimination. The bidder shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, <br />color, sex, handicap, national origin or ancestry. The bidder must submit a <br />nondiscrimination affidavit, in the form set forth in subsection (b) below, along with its <br />bid. <br />b. ~~~~e Diversi action. The bidder must have adopted and maintain in effect at <br />all applicable times a diversity action plan. The bidder must submit its plan and a <br />diversity action affidavit, in the form set forth in subsection (b) below, to the contracting <br />agency prior to or along with its bid. The diversity action plan must: <br />i. Provide for the recruitment, hiring and employment of minorities and women; <br />8 <br />