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d. Discontinue the remedial goal for a particular job category when the <br />underrepresentation of minorities and women is eliminated in that category. <br />(c) .Personnel policies and practices. Each department, agency, board or commission of <br />the City shall: <br />(1) Review all employment policies and`revise those policies which reflect any <br />discriminatory practice; <br />(2) Review personnel actions of the past five years, including but not limited to actions <br />related to employee promotions, raises, benefits, transfers, layoffs, returns from layoffs, <br />and training or educational programs, and revise those personnel procedures which reflect <br />any discriminatory practice; and <br />(3) Actively encourage the promotion of minorities and women to positions for which <br />they are qualified. <br />(d) Duties of department heads. The head of each department shall: <br />(1) Determine in conjunction with the City Personnel Coordinator which job categories <br />in the department require special skills; <br />(2) Implement Diversity action policies in recruitment, hiring and employment within <br />the department by communicating policies internally and developing programs to <br />achieve Diversity action objectives; <br />(3) Direct an initial review of all departmental policies and procedures and provide for <br />the revision of those policies and procedures which reflect any discriminatory <br />practice; <br />(4) Attempt to resolve internally disputes which arise within the department regarding <br />Diversity action procedures; <br />(5) Direct a departmental review of recruitment, hiring and employment procedures and <br />goals annually in order to monitor program effectiveness and to determine where <br />progress has been made and where further action is needed; and <br />(6) Report all pertinent ~r~~~ diversity action data and progress including but not <br />limited to departmental procedures regarding ~~~ diversity action, goals <br />established by the department, information regarding the employment of minorities <br />and women by the department, pertinent personnel actions of the department as well <br />as anticipated future action, to the Mayor annually by January 31. <br />(e) Noncompliance procedures. In the event of a dispute over noncompliance with any <br />of the provisions of this article every effort will be made to resolve disputes within the City. <br /> <br />