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Ann-Carol Nash was requested to give an update and she advised that a Notice to <br />Abate she is sending this week relates to an incident at Clover Village. She did not see <br />a lot of issues currently with parking. She recently attended Police roll-calls and one <br />concern was regarding the "Pedi taxis" (operated on bicycles) for safety issues. They <br />work fine in some situations but not in others. This is an issue that should be addressed <br />with Steve Goen. Tim Sexton stated that Notre Dame Campus does have Pedi taxis on <br />campus -not off. <br />AI Kirsits stated he had received a call about a concern regarding taxi stands and <br />wanted to know if there was any feedback from students. Tim replied that the numbers <br />of use were down but they are still used. Ann-Carol said there has been concern <br />because taxis are letting people off in the middle of the street and this was discussed <br />with Kathy Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br />ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE BOARD <br />Mike Carrington introduced himself and explained that a lot of people do not know what <br />is the function of the Liquor Board. He represents Saint Joseph County Beverage <br />Board and stated they make recommendations on licenses, renewals, etc. What they <br />do is advisory and they meet with people who have licenses or apply for licenses. He <br />currently has some cases now with a third strike. When underage people come in to <br />drink they are evenhanded about going in and checking on age-related drinking. Some <br />of the license holders lament students with false I.D.'s but his general impression is it all <br />works reasonably well. After hearing discussions with all the members, things appear to <br />have calmed down. A lot of things are not re-inventing the wheel and he addressed the <br />Committee as a wonderful thing. He complimented Captain Hammer on a great job. <br />He also stated that Notre Dame may need to go meet with Community leaders when <br />some big event occurs. <br />Dick Nussbaum stated that it was important for Captain Hammer to be there and having <br />representatives all come together and be positive is very mature and responsible. <br />AI Kirsits said that he encourages everyone to keep coming to these meetings and <br />mentioned the Notre Dame Marching Band had been in a video that can be seen on <br />YouTube. He also reminded everyone that if you see something suspicious, call the <br />Police. <br />Tim Sexton from Notre Dame stated that in two weeks they are having an alcohol <br />awareness meeting on campus. <br />Jeff Jones from IUSB said the "Race Against Hunger" fundraiser was being held there <br />tomorrow. <br />