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International students - a considerable number. There are also girlfriends and <br />boyfriends of Notre Dame Students attending IUSB. Council Woman Puzzello asked <br />what it was that attracted International students and Jeff responded that IUSB actively <br />recruits overseas students, and siblings and alumni provide word of mouth recruiting. <br />Program orientations such as Applied Math and Actuarial Sciences attract students. It <br />is nice to have that level of diversity as the campus population is primarily first <br />generation college students. It is enriching for other students as most of them grew up <br />here and do not travel much. We will have the Chancellor retiring in a year and a half as <br />this is mandatory at age 65 with the Vice-Chancellor not far behind. <br />Jeff was then questioned regarding policy on campus housing alcohol use. Jeff <br />responded that IUSB is an alcohol-free campus, even if the students are 21 or over. He <br />was also asked about supervision and replied that the Director of Housing lives within <br />walking distance and there are Resident Assistants as on any campus as well as on-call <br />duty Administrators. He stated that unlike Notre Dame -which has a 75% on campus <br />residency -IUSB has only done this for three years so there is not much precedent to <br />follow. Jeff was also questioned about how IUSB handles a situation when students <br />have parties and drinking is excessive. Jeff replied that they really do not have an issue <br />with that and it would be very rare. IUSB does have Police and they would adjudicate if <br />this was primarily a student activity. Students off campus would be treated like anyone <br />else. The incident would not normally come to the Administration's attention. <br />AI Kirsits thanked Jeff and stated that it was amazing how much the campus has <br />changed. Jeff said the plan is to eventually have 800 beds. The rule of thumb is to only <br />have 10% of the student population utilizing campus housing. <br />ST. MARY'S COLLEGE <br />Updates included a report on a Student Government Fundraiser that sold mugs. This <br />was an off campus Social that was held the evening before and had 45-50 students in <br />attendance. The proceeds will go to the Center for the Homeless. There was a goodie <br />bag put together for attendees that included information on being good neighbors in <br />South Bend and various handouts on City attractions, as most of these students are <br />from out of state. <br />NOTRE DAME <br />Clair Sokas' updates included describing the Tuesday night safety summit that included <br />discussions on things to be done to make the community better. There were 25 student <br />leaders, the Prosecutor and Police Representatives in attendance that helped the <br />students put faces to the authorities. There was a lot of communication about working <br />together on safety. Some concerns included break-ins and being mindful of visible car <br />contents and lease awareness for fairness for students and landlords. <br />