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$65,000.00 a year. City Controller Gregg Zientara said this position would likely <br />serve both fire and police departments, adding that while committed to, the <br />position has not been filled. Councilmember Puzzello encouraged the pursuit of <br />any and all revenue sources to supplement property taxes.. Chief Buchanon and <br />Zientara concurred. Councilmember Henry Davis wondered if other city services <br />would suffer as the public safety services approach the use of nearly 80% of the <br />property tax based general fund. The Mayor said as a result of efficiencies from <br />creative problem solving, and good management practices over the past years, <br />services have actually been enhanced. <br />Following additional discussion, Christian Rose, the SBFD Fire Pension Secretary <br />provided a short run-down of the pension budget he monitors. <br />Chairperson LaFountain adjourned the hearings at 5:30 pm. <br />Attachments: <br />Power Point Print-out for Police & Fire <br />Police and Fire Budget Summary Sheets <br />Police Pension Report <br />Press Release from Mayor's Office <br />Personnel and Finance Committee <br />