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noted the use of special revenue funds or dedicated funds for public safety purposes <br />would still require Council approval. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand raised the problem of tracing the <br />expenditure of public safety dollars that are now generated by the public safety LOIT. <br />She added that a paper trail was needed for full disclosure not just periodic bottom-line <br />amounts. The Mayor and Controller said they were trying to devise a tracking system <br />that would provide transparency and ease of administration. <br />The Controller said the LOIT dollars, totaling $5 million would be split on a PD 55% and <br />FD 45% basis. For the PD this would cover the total compensation package for 34 <br />officer and for the FD, the number covered would be 29. Councilmember Henry Davis <br />suggested using the "report from city offices" section of the Council meetings to <br />regularly get more information. <br />Gregg Zientara added that recent federal stimulus money of $2.9 million had been pegged <br />primarily for communication upgrades. Councilmember Dieter wondered if there was <br />enough money in OT to cover police beats, stating 2010 levels left coverage lapses. <br />Councilmember White asked and found out there were to be no increases in crossing <br />guard funds available for 2011. She also found out the school corporation was not <br />increasing their commitment to funding school crossing guars. <br />Councilmember Puzzello asked why and how departments were being charged for IT <br />costs. Zientara said assigning costs to each department based upon the number of users <br />in each department would more clearly indicate the "Cost of doing business" to the <br />department incurring the cost, a standard business accounting practice. <br />In wrapping up Councilmember Varner, Dieter and Council Attorney Farrand <br />reemphasized the need for accurate dollar data for both revenues and expenses for <br />meaningful budget reviews. <br />SBPD Director of Financial Services made a brief presentation of the 2011 Police <br />Pension budget before moving to FD budgets. <br />SBFD Chief Howard Buchanon began presentation of his 2011 budget at <br />approximately 4:30 p.m. The Chief provided the Council with a budget summary <br />sheet for their review. He then, as department heads had before him walked the <br />Council through a power point presentation highlighting accomplishments, goals, <br />and objectives. Among items highlighted were a scaled back training facility at <br />the airport. Originally envisioned as a regional facility service a wide geographic <br />area, it would now serve only the SBFD needs. For equipment needs the Chief <br />said a $1.8 million lease purchase was to be proposed other special needs include <br />the required purchase of bullet-proof vests for first responders. The Chief said he <br />would ask Council to approve a new civilian position. This person would serve as <br />fiscal officer replacing firefighter Mark Nowicki. Salary is proposed at <br />