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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> felt this was a good place to have a step-down group-home only. There will never be more than <br /> twelve (12) young men in this program. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner then asked, Is there anything you can still go back and resolve in all <br /> of the discussions you have had? Have you made all of these commitments you made to us, to all <br /> the individuals against this? Do you sense there is anywhere else to go? <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, I am being really straightforward. I have talked to everybody I can talk to. <br /> Some people I talked to that were against have come over or are at least neutral. Some of the <br /> business individuals came and toured the building and after seeing it they became in favor of it. I <br /> sense some people will never be convinced that this is a good thing to have in their neighborhood <br /> and I have done everything I can to talk with them about it. One (1) thing I always say is we will <br /> be their best neighbors. We have done this in other places across the United States and they all say <br /> there is opposition at first and then they will be all for you. These young men will be the people <br /> they call when there is a need for something like shoveling a driveway, or raking leaves. <br /> Councilmember White asked, So are you saying, at this time, that you've done all you can? You <br /> don't feel that even one (1) more time sitting down with individuals that you would have a better <br /> outcome? <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, If I've felt it would make a difference, I've done it. I've talked with these <br /> people several times now, at least three(3) or four(4)times, and I don't think another time would <br /> make a difference in their opinion. <br /> Committeemember Broden asked, What would the process of changing your numbers look like <br /> going forward? <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, I would have to go back to licensing at the State-level. <br /> Committee Chair Davis opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or <br /> in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Bill Dunn, 1620 Southwood Avenue, stated, We sat through a River Park Neighborhood <br /> Association meeting, at which time, we had this presentation. Dr. Bruinsma is right, there were a <br /> certain number of people asking questions that you could definitely sense were in opposition as <br /> other questions were more out of curiosity. As a resident of River Park, I am in favor of it. We <br /> have tried very hard to get this right. <br /> Committee Chair Davis then turned the floor back to the Committee for further comment or main <br /> motion. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 18-03 to the full Council with a favorable <br /> recommendation. Committeemember Broden seconded this motion which carried unanimously by <br /> a voice vote of five (5) ayes. <br /> With no further business, Committee Chair Davis adjourned the Zoning and Annexation <br /> Committee meeting at 5:03 p.m. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building J 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TD 574.235.55671 <br /> 6 <br />