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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, That is an excellent question. I don't expect anyone would stay till they are <br /> twenty-one (21) but if they do, it is the reason we are having them go to trades-school or college <br /> and keeping a good portion of their part-time funds in a bank. So when they do launch out into the <br /> world, they will have a good place to start. <br /> Councilmember White followed up, Have you had conversations with the local educational <br /> institutions to see what that transition would be like for those individuals? <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, Yes, and I know generally that those things are going to be worked on by <br /> these young men's case managers. The young men that come to us have other helpers and we are <br /> not alone in this. We will never have a young man leave our program without a good plan. <br /> Committeemember Nanci Yokom asked, How do you measure your success? <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, We have internal metrics and they are whether they have completed the <br /> program and validated the program. That means completing the academics, the vocational study, <br /> the education, the community service and all other treatment objectives and goals. All of those <br /> things make a very long list for each young man and we keep key performance indicators that tell <br /> us how many have validated the program. We also keep a metric on how many graduate from high <br /> school, vocational program and things of that nature. <br /> Committeemember Yokom followed up,After they are gone, do you have any follow up? <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, That is a really difficult thing because for us, we have to depend on the <br /> people that sent them to us to give us data. Sometimes the jurisdictions have enough money to do <br /> that and sometimes they don't. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, I would like to add that of the 23,000 children in need of care, <br /> we are, State-wide,only currently meeting two percent(2%)of that need. So,ninety-eight percent <br /> (98%) of our population is looking for a place like this. <br /> Dr. Bruinsma stated, The need is there, especially in this area. <br /> Committeemember Ferlic asked, Is there a percentage of young men coming from outside the <br /> County versus inside the County? <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, It is mostly the northern tier of Indiana. I don't know the percentage off the <br /> top of my head but I would say it is close to thirty or forty percent(30%-40%).It varies depending <br /> on what is needed. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner asked, You said a max of twelve (12) but what would be the <br /> maximum?That building looks like it can handle more than twelve (12). <br /> Dr. Bruinsma replied, We are not going to do more than twelve (12). That is a commitment and <br /> that is it. It is State-regulated and they wanted me to take more. They wanted me to put two (2) <br /> programs in the building. One(1)was going to be this group home and the other was wanted to be <br /> an emergency shelter care. I didn't think we could do both programs in the same building and I <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TM574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />