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Council President Scott then opened the floor to questions from Councilmembers. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated, There has been a lot of conversation around equity and <br /> equitable development. The Council has a focus on neighborhoods and stuff going on in the main <br /> corridors. How can we be more equitable in the distribution of redevelopment? <br /> Mr. Fountain replied, I have worked in many different places and many different economic <br /> scenarios. I have been very independent and prosperous. I understand the bridge that needs to <br /> happen with the dynamic there. In this community, I have always felt that. Why are the Notre <br /> Dame people over here? They want to help people in the City but why don't they do more where <br /> they could really help? I've always been a bridge person connecting people. I network with a lot <br /> of people locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. I feel I could bring a lot of ideas to <br /> help with that. <br /> Council President Scott dismissed Mr. Fountain from the interview. <br /> Judith Rubleske, 515 S. Meade Street, was asked by Council President Scott why she would like <br /> to serve as one (1) of the Council appointees to the Redevelopment Commission. Ms. Rubleske <br /> stated, I have been a civic activist for a long time. I once ran for Congress when I lived in <br /> Massachusetts.I was a People's Party candidate and it was opposed to a well-liked republican man <br /> and I got thirteen percent(13%) of the vote. That was the year that Dr. Spock ran for President if <br /> anybody remembers that far back. I have a dream and I have been on that quest for that for a long <br /> time and I am just stepping up my game. <br /> Council President Scott then opened the floor to questions from Councilmembers. <br /> Councilmember White asked, What is your philosophy on how and on what TIF Funds should be <br /> spent? <br /> Ms. Rubleske replied, It depends on where and what it is. And we need to ask,what do the people <br /> want? <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What are your key skills and talents regarding economic <br /> development? What could you bring to the table? <br /> Ms. Rubleske replied, I am a retired registered nurse and nutritionist. Before that, I was a dental <br /> assistant. I was a single mom for about five (5)years and got married. My husband is the treasurer <br /> of Kankake Wetlands Organic Gardens that we started ten(10) years ago with our first crop. I am <br /> the President/Lead Gardener. I have a very good business partner in my house with me and I run <br /> a not for profit. Granted,it is a small one (1)but we start small and take steps to go forward. I was <br /> in Junior Achievement in High School. <br /> Councilmember Voorde asked, Where did you go to High School? <br /> 9 <br />