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sense for the City and not have every dollar earmarked within a TIF District. I see advantages to <br /> using TIF Funds but we cannot abuse the funds. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated, There has been a lot of conversation around equity and <br /> equitable development. The Council has a focus on neighborhoods and stuff going on in the main <br /> corridors. How can we be more equitable in the distribution of redevelopment? <br /> Ms. Hamann replied, I don't know that I can answer that question from the standpoint of being on <br /> the Redevelopment Commission. I know my goal when I ran for Common Council was to address <br /> the issue of wage. There are many progressive cities in the United States that have addressed this <br /> issue. We have a legislature at the national level that has decided to blind themselves to the fact <br /> the minimum wage hasn't increased in ten (10) years. We have people working for a minimum <br /> wage that aren't earning a livable wage and they are right here in our own neighborhoods. I think <br /> as a City we have a responsibility to address the fact people aren't earning a livable wage. How <br /> that can be addressed through Redevelopment, I think agreements should be made with new <br /> businesses brought in to be sure they pay a livable wage. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston followed up, How do you think we could address the low- <br /> income housing issues? <br /> Ms. Hamann replied, We need to make sure it is a priority of ours that all of the resources in the <br /> City are distributed equitably so that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from all of the positive <br /> things in the City. I don't want to say that hasn't been occurring but that needs to be a priority <br /> moving forward. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Do you see an issue with how we have managed our TIF Funds? <br /> Ms. Hamann replied, I did some research and what I could find prior to this meeting was the <br /> establishment of the TIF Districts but it didn't give me a whole lot of how they were structured. I <br /> was only able to identify some of the potentials from the City website. I would need to look into <br /> them deeper but I think we do need to recognize if there is any adverse responses or fallout to the <br /> educational system within the City,that needs to be looked at closely to be sure we are not causing <br /> any shortfalls in taxation. <br /> Council President Scott dismissed Ms. Hamann from the interview. <br /> Stephen Fountain, 3909 Greenmont Drive, was asked by Council President Scott why he would <br /> like to serve as one(1)of the Council appointees to the Redevelopment Commission.Mr.Fountain <br /> stated, It goes back to when I was a little kid born here in South Bend. I grew up here and I had <br /> dreams and visions of areas I thought were blighted. I just felt like there was so much we could <br /> do. Back in those days nothing was really going yet and I moved out West for many years. I was <br /> on a Commission in Flagstaff Arizona and received a Key to the City there for the work I did. I <br /> came back and I noticed there was a lot of work done but there is still a lot to do. We are in a mixed <br /> place where a lot is happening and that is good but we need to keep focusing on the good and do <br /> more of that. <br /> 8 <br />