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battle for my home and it is still an ongoing process. It is very important to me to make sure we <br /> are representing all individuals in the community. Equitable distribution of resources in the <br /> community is very, very important. <br /> Council President Scott asked, Would you have any problem reporting back to Council? <br /> Mr. Smith replied,No, absolutely not. I would provide quarterly updates.This appointment would <br /> mean a lot to me and my family as well. I take it with a great amount of pride. I will definitely <br /> make sure I meet all requirements for this position. <br /> Councilmember Voorde asked, What do you do for a living? <br /> Mr. Smith replied, Currently,I am licensed insurance agent. I am transitioning to seek a little more <br /> traditional employment now. <br /> Council President Scott dismissed Mr. Smith from the interview. <br /> Thomas Villing, 1336 Sunnymede Avenue, was asked by Council President Scott why he would <br /> like to serve as one (1) of the Council appointees to the Redevelopment Commission. Mr. Villing <br /> stated, I think it really comes down to community service. It has always been an orientation of <br /> mine. Earlier in my career I did a lot of work with the Chamber and what have you. When I came <br /> aware of this opportunity I thought this would be a nice way to give back as well. No agenda <br /> beyond that. <br /> Council President Scott then opened the floor to questions from Councilmembers. <br /> Councilmember White asked, What is your philosophy on how and on what TIF Funds should be <br /> spent? <br /> Mr. Villing replied, That is a really good question and I wish I could say that I had a philosophy. <br /> I would say it really comes down to a good use of the tax-payers money. I am obviously very <br /> oriented to promoting progress in this community. If that will serve a purpose and make sense <br /> from an economic standpoint, great. But, I don't have a strong opinion one (1)way or another. <br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston stated, There has been a lot of conversation around equity and <br /> equitable development. The Council has a focus on neighborhoods and stuff going on in the main <br /> corridors. How can we be more equitable in the distribution of redevelopment? <br /> Mr. Villing replied, I really think it comes down to fairness and being smart with mapping out a <br /> strategy for the development of the community. Some of you know me and some of you don't,I'm <br /> sure. I've been in business in town for forty-five (45)years and have owned our own business for <br /> thirty-six (36)'years. I always come at specific problems or opportunities with a sound strategy in <br /> mind and stay true to that. <br /> Council President Scott dismissed Mr. Villing from the interview. <br /> 5 <br />