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District. That leaves a very broad range of opportunities. So if no one is going to advocate for uses <br /> other than the specified one (1), I don't know who will do it if it isn't a Councilmember. I don't <br /> believe an average citizen,no matter who they are,really has a good enough oversight and outlook <br /> on what is really going on in the City. They won't have the background with regards to budgets, <br /> they probably don't know how much is in TIF, they probably don't know how much the General <br /> Fund is,and keeping all that in perspective to know what is obligated and what is not is important. <br /> Councilmember Voorde asked, How do you feel about moving the time of the regular meeting? <br /> Dr.Varner replied, I am ok with that. We did that a while back moving it back to,I believe,Friday <br /> afternoons at, I think, 3:30 p.m. That lasted for about a year and the attendance for public wasn't <br /> any better. Unless we will suggest it is at 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. on weekday nights, I don't know <br /> that will make a great difference but I would be willing to try anything,so long as it didn't interfere <br /> with other commitments. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, That is a specific request to actually to do something at 3:30 p.m. <br /> and to advocate for that. Many of our other Boards and Commissions do that. A 3:30 p.m. or 4:30 <br /> p.m. is something where general public and other people can make those meetings. I think it would <br /> go a long way with the public. <br /> Council President Scott dismissed Dr. David Varner from the interview. <br /> Will Smith,728 Whitehall Drive,was asked by Council President Scott why he would like to serve <br /> as one (1) of the Council appointees to the Redevelopment Commission. Mr. Smith stated, My <br /> biggest reason is because I want to get involved. I have served on the Community Investment <br /> Committee for a few years now. Public schools and affordable housing have always been very <br /> important to me and they are something I am passionate about and spend a lot of my time on. To <br /> me,being on the Redevelopment Commission would help set forth plans for those areas of interst. <br /> Council President Scott then opened the floor to questions from Councilmembers. <br /> Councilmember White asked, What is your philosophy on how and on what TIF Funds should be <br /> spent? <br /> Mr. Smith replied,I was talking with President Scott earlier and that is something that we definitely <br /> need to make sure we are very direct in how we are using those funds. We need to spend those <br /> funds out quickly and we don't want these large funds just sitting around.I would like to see,being <br /> a housing advocate,the potential use of housing TIF. That is something that came through in 2006 <br /> and I don't know if we have really looked into that too much so that is definitely something I <br /> would like to take a look at. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What are your thoughts on addressing wealth disparities if you <br /> were to be appointed to this Commission? <br /> Mr. Smith replied, That hits me at my core. That is actually why I got into the Community <br /> Investment Committee because I was part of the largest TIF District in South Bend. I really had to <br /> 4 <br />