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Randy Rompola, Barnes &Thornburg with offices located at 100 N. Michigan Street, stated, The <br /> ordinance before you is simply a parameters ordinance. It has a `not-to-exceed' bond amount of <br /> $5.43 million with a maximum interest rate and a maximum term. The bonds would not be sold <br /> until the construction bids are received so that once the construction bids are received, the bonds <br /> will be resized accordingly so it will more likely be less than this not to exceed amount of$5.43 <br /> million. The bonds are set to be paid from local income taxes, EMS revenues and Rivereast TIF. <br /> There is, in the ordinance, what we refer to as general obligation bonds, and they are secured by <br /> the tax back-up. The point of that back-up is to receive the best interest rate possible. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked, When you look at the cost per square foot, these <br /> stations are becoming very expensive. What is driving that and what is the approximate cost of <br /> that additional classroom? <br /> Chief Cox replied, First of all, when we had first estimated the cost of the building of Fire <br /> Station Number Five (5), that happened prior to the Notre Dame Stadium building project. <br /> Unfortunately, when we went out to bid for Fire Station Number Four(4),that was during the <br /> height of all the construction going on at Notre Dame. That affects the local construction <br /> companies to source labor so that ramped up the cost.Now with the classroom building, we are <br /> trying to build it a bit differently. It will be more along the lines of a pre-fabricated building. <br /> What we are trying to do is drive down the price of the square footage cost for that building. <br /> Additionally, since we have a couple of exterior restrooms in the building adjacent to where we <br /> are building that, we also don't have a need to put restroom utilities in the new building. So that, <br /> in and of itself, will also help bring down that cost. Depending on where that comes in after the <br /> bids are put out, we are hoping that is no more than $400,000 or $500,000. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner followed up, So what is the square footage of the new Fire Station? <br /> Chief Cox replied, That one (1) is at about 8,000 square feet. That includes the apparatus bay <br /> floor. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. She then turned the floor back to the <br /> Council for further comment. Due to the lack of quorum, no Committee action could be taken <br /> and, as a result,Bill No. 02-18 was sent to the full Council receiving no recommendation. <br /> Bill No. 03-18-Appropriating of Bonds, Series 2018 <br /> Ms. Hockenhull stated, This is simply allowing us to take those aforementioned bond funds and <br /> then appropriate them to be spent. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. She then turned the floor back to the <br /> Council for further comment. Due to the lack of quorum, no Committee action could be taken <br /> and, as a result,Bill No. 03-18 was sent to the full Council receiving no recommendation. <br /> 2 <br />