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50U TIn 8�® <br /> U C <br /> W PEACE <br /> ■ a <br /> 1865 <br /> OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH FOWLER,CITY CLERK <br /> PERSONNEL &FINANCE JANUARY 22, 2018 3:50 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic <br /> Committee Members Absent: Regina Williams-Preston, John Voorde <br /> Other Council Present: Dr. David Varner, Tim Scott, Oliver Davis, Randy Kelly <br /> Other Council Absent: Jo M. Broden <br /> Others Present: Kareemah Fowler, Bianca Tirado, Graham Sparks, Bob <br /> Palmer <br /> Presenters: Jen Hockenhull, Steve Cox, Randy Rompola <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 02-18- Authorizing The Issuance of General <br /> Obligation Bonds <br /> Bill No. 03-18-Appropriating of Bonds, Series 2018 <br /> Committee Chair Karen White called to order the Personnel and Finance Committee meeting at <br /> 3:50 p.m. She introduced members of the Committee and announced the lack of a quorum. <br /> Though no recommending action can be taken, Committee Chair White proceeded to give the <br /> floor to the presenters. <br /> Bill No. 02-18-Authorizing The Issuance of General Obligation Bonds <br /> Jen Hockenhull, City Controller for the City of South Bend with offices on the 12th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, We are here to seek approval for a bond for Fire Station Number <br /> Nine (9) and the training center for a classroom. This was discussed during the budget process so <br /> I don't believe there are many changes proposed between now and then. It is going to be a <br /> twenty (20) year bond not to exceed$5.43 million. That will be reduced should we be able to <br /> save money. <br /> Steve Cox, Fire Chief of the South Bend Fire Department with offices located at 1222 S. <br /> Michigan Street, stated, We have done a ton of outreach for this project. We have a ton of <br /> community support for this. We presented this project throughout the budget process. <br /> 455 County-City Building•227 W.Jefferson Boulevard•South Bend,Indiana 46601 <br /> Phone 574-235-9221 •Fax 574-235-9173-TDD <br /> JENNIFER M.COFFMAN BIANCA L.TIRADO JOSEPH R.MOLNAR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF DEPUTY/DIRECTOR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> OPERATIONS <br />