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Councilmember Gavin Ferlic stated, I often wonder what other communities are doing. I think <br /> our community has stepped up to the plate. It is a difficult balance because obviously we want to <br /> provide, and do provide, quality services but when other surrounding communities don't, I worry <br /> that we receive more individuals to take advantage of our services. It can't just be South Bend. <br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, When we had the consultant here, I think they <br /> debunked that notion that more people come for the services. Regardless of that,there are still <br /> thirty (30)people under the bridge, no matter where they come from and that is an issue. <br /> Committeemember Davis stated, With the casino coming up, too, this issue will only spread and <br /> get worse. <br /> Chief Ruszkowski stated, The Police, of course,respond to all calls for these issues. State Law <br /> allows panhandling a first amendment right. There are two (2) components here. People often <br /> associate panhandling and homelessness. There are difference between those. There are also <br /> differences between loitering and trespassing. We, the Police Department, cannot detain <br /> someone for what they did, or what they will do,we can only act on immediate and recorded <br /> actions. Almost all problems in the City are focused in on Police. We feel it and it is very <br /> disheartening because we are dealing with this as well as robberies and shootings in between. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, I would always rather err on the side of caution and call you guys <br /> than to leave it be and possibly allow for something bad to happen to that individual or the <br /> community. <br /> Committeemember Davis stated, I hope there is something in the budget beyond Chris <br /> Anderson's salary that will deal with these issues. We need some seed monies and then we <br /> should invite other communities to put money in to address this. We also need to itemize the <br /> homelessness report to make actionable goals toward solving this. <br /> With no further discussion, Committee Vice Chair Voorde adjourned the Health and Public <br /> Safety Committee meeting at 4:25 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Subm"tted, <br /> 11 <br /> � \-.,/�I %.- <br /> John Voorde, Committee Vice Chair <br /> 3 <br />