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South Bend Police Chief Scott Ruszkowski, 701 W. Sample Street, stated, There are two <br /> perspectives with this. There is second-hand information and first-hand information. This has <br /> been going on for quite a while. People look at the Police Department to take care of things <br /> punitively and that means handcuffs,jail time, etcetera. I think this is a measure undertaken by <br /> the Council that can hopefully avoid becoming punitive. Obviously health and public safety is <br /> first and foremost; it is imperative. If nothing more than a deterrent for businesses,this gives the <br /> businesses a chance to be good stewards of our community by choosing not to sell this stuff. A <br /> lot of times our personnel respond to medical situations that are unknown in how they came <br /> about, and that makes their jobs difficult. When citizens ingest this stuff, the encounter usually <br /> always turns physical and there is no de-escalation solution available for the responding <br /> personnel. It is very scary to not know how a situation might unfold. We are also working on <br /> crafting a community promise of sorts that business owners can sign to guarantee the support of <br /> the community. This stuff looks so different and it is hard to look for it. There is definitely an <br /> educational component to this. <br /> Committee Vice Chair Voorde opened the floor to questions from the Committee and <br /> Councilmembers. There were none. Committeemember Oliver Davis made a motion to accept <br /> the substitute version of Bill No. 46-17. Committeemember Karen White seconded the motion <br /> which carried unanimously by a voice vote of three (3) ayes. Committee Vice Chair Voorde then <br /> opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to the <br /> legislation. <br /> Will Smith, 728 Whitehall Drive, stated, As this is written, I have an issue with terminology. <br /> Using the term synthetic marijuana really limits the scope to what this stuff is. If we change it to <br /> synthetic cannabinoids, which is a more all-encompassing term that would subsequently give <br /> more jurisdiction to the enforcing agencies. As of now,there are still unknown cannabinoids and <br /> by changing the term to synthetic cannabinoids, we would be prepared to regulate those as well. <br /> Committee Vice Chair Voorde turned the floor back to the Committee for further comment or <br /> main motions. Committeemember Davis made a motion to send Substitute Bill No. 46-17 to the <br /> full Council with a favorable recommendation,pending the terminology change to synthetic <br /> cannabinoids and anticipating a second Substitute Bill at the 7:00 p.m. Council meeting. <br /> Committeemember White seconded this motion which carried unanimously by a voice vote of <br /> three (3) ayes. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated, I've noticed an increase of individuals loitering, <br /> sleeping and panhandling. He then asked Chief Ruszkowski what the ideal response to this <br /> problem should be. There are so many,they are bringing a bad view to the City. It is also <br /> spreading. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, We had the Downtown South Bend Board meeting today. The <br /> new Ambassador for DTSB to deal with homelessness and panhandling is Chris Anderson. He <br /> has started and I have heard good things about him. I will have him and Jill Scicchitano come to <br /> the Committee and Council to talk about their progress. <br /> 2 <br />