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REGULAR MEETING December 11, 2017 <br /> SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, APPROPRIATING <br /> ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR CERTAIN <br /> DEPARTMENTAL AND ENTERPRISE <br /> OPERATIONS IN 2017 OF $49,745 FROM <br /> CONSOLIDATED BUILDING FUND—CODE <br /> ENFORCEMENT (#600), $1,500 FROM WATER <br /> WORKS DEPOSIT FUND (#624), $1,000 FROM <br /> WATER WORKS SINKING FUND (#625), $4,500 <br /> FROM WATER WORKS DEBT RESERVE O&M <br /> (#629), $30,000 FROM SEWAGE WORKS O&M <br /> RESERVE (#643), AND $148,300 FROM <br /> CENTURY CENTER(# 670). <br /> 83-17 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE OF <br /> THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, APPROPRIATING <br /> ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR CERTAIN <br /> DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY SERVICES <br /> OPERATIONS IN 2017 OF $125,000 FROM DCI <br /> GRANT FUND (9212), $100,000 FROM STATE <br /> SEIZED DRUG MONEY (#216), $250,000 FROM <br /> LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND (#226), $49,000 <br /> FROM COVELESKI STADIUM (#401), $955,670 <br /> FROM VEHICLE-EQUIPMENT LEASING(#750), <br /> $22,500,000 FROM EDDY ST COMMONS <br /> CAPITAL (#759), AND $2,500,000 FROM EDDY <br /> ST COMMONS DEBT SERVICE FUND (#760). <br /> 84-17 PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE OF <br /> THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING <br /> CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 14, SECTION 2-170 OF <br /> THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE TO <br /> ESTABLISH VARIOUS NEW FUNDS: MORRIS <br /> PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SELF- <br /> PROMOTED EVENTS FUND (274), PARENTAL <br /> LEAVE FUND (714) AND 2017 PARKS BOND <br /> FUND (471). <br /> Councilmember Karen White, Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee, reported that they <br /> met this afternoon and send all four(4) bills forward with favorable recommendations. <br /> Jen Hockenhull, City Controller with offices on the 12th floor of the County-City Building, South <br /> Bend, IN, served as the presenter of this bill. Ms. Hockenhull stated, Before you is a second <br /> substitute of the budget transfers. These are transfers within one (1) fund so there is no additional <br /> money, we are just moving funds between different categories within the budgets that were <br /> appropriated in 2017. The substitute is due to one(1) division number being wrong on the first one <br /> (1). In 2017 we started fully charging all departments for water. Our Parks Department was under <br /> budgeted because we didn't really know what to expect with the splash pad. In the past, we <br /> budgeted our personnel and if people took health insurance, we would budget for that. If they <br /> didn't take it, we didn't budget for it. We are just transferring money to cover health insurance. <br /> Going forward, the practice will be budgeting for health insurance. There's one (1) for IT and <br /> Innovation. Originally when we budgeted,we budgeted them in different divisions but we decided <br /> to roll them up into one (1). Our telephone costs were higher this ye than anticipated. When <br /> reviewing these,we found some circuits to eliminate. We will be saving roughly$360,000 in 2018 <br /> by shutting down those circuits. In our EDIT Fund#408, we had some debt service payments that <br /> were for December 2016 that were paid at the beginning of January so we are just trying to <br /> correct the budget to cover that. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked, With regards to the savings, the circuits we shut down, <br /> to whom do we make the payment of those circuits? <br /> 10 <br />