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Mr. Mueller stated, This is to recommit to what Scott Ford had agreed to in writing to include the <br /> City Cemetery, The Center for History, Leeper Park, and the Studebaker Museum into the <br /> Riverwest TIF District. <br /> Jim Bognar, 807 W. Washington Street, stated, All but one (1) of these parcels are City-owned. <br /> The History Museum is a non-profit. I think the ball was just dropped because of turnover. This <br /> is for the future. This is something that everyone thought was done and it wasn't. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic opened the floor to questions from Committee and Councilmembers. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Varner asked, Are we anticipating an ask, soon, for TIF money? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, We don't have any anticipated asks right now. This is merely to ensure it is <br /> in the largest TIF District for the future. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. There were none. He then turned the floor back to the <br /> Committee for further comment or main motions. <br /> Committeemember Kelly made a motion to send Bill No. 17-64 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Committeemember Davis seconded this motion which carried <br /> unanimously by a voice vote of six (6) ayes. <br /> With no further business, Committee Chair Ferlic adjourned the Community Investment <br /> Committee meeting at 4:35 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Gavin Ferlic, Chairperson <br /> 6 <br />