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2017, DCI presented to the Council some of the changes and updates to state law that allow more <br /> flexibility with the tax abatements. Given that this formula wasn't available when this abatement <br /> was initially approved, and given that nothing has been done with the property itself yet, we <br /> would like to modify this to help spur things along. This is a brand new building on the property. <br /> We are seeking to modify the existing abatement from a nine (9) year tiered abatement to a one <br /> hundred percent (100%) six(6)year abatement. <br /> Jeff Smoke, Great Lakes Capital located at 112 W. Jefferson Boulevard, stated, Mr. <br /> Buckenmeyer gave a great presentation and I am here to take any questions you may have. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic opened the floor to questions from the Committee and Councilmembers. <br /> Committeemember Smith asked, Isn't this just approving a public hearing for the amendment of <br /> the abatement? <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer replied, Yes, we are going through the whole process again having the public <br /> hearing and then voting on it at the next meeting. <br /> Committeemember Tipps asked, What is the difference in dollars that the City will be receiving <br /> or losing with this change? <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer replied, This makes the abatement more favorable to the investor. This is a <br /> critical piece of commercial real estate that isn't present elsewhere. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Mr. Wolfson stated, I am concerned with moving to one hundred percent (100%) abatements. <br /> How much money are we going to give away? <br /> Jorden Giger, 61455 Druid Lane, stated, I am not hearing the basis of why we should be granting <br /> all these abatements. We have literally begged Mr. Mueller to give $10,000 to a project for the <br /> community but then you give hundreds of thousands of tax-payer dollars away without blinking <br /> an eye. <br /> Ms. Kesim asked, How green is this new building? I want to make sure it is environmentally <br /> responsible. <br /> Mr. Buckenmeyer replied, The only reason we are going back is because the existing abatement <br /> hasn't been acted upon. This will not set a precedent. We can't go back otherwise. We also <br /> always encourage sustainable building. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic moved the floor back to the Committee for further comment or main <br /> motions. Committeemember Kelly made a motion to send Bill No. 17-68 to the full Council with <br /> a favorable recommendation. Committeemember Smith seconded this motion which carried with <br /> four (4) ayes and two (2) nays (Committeemembers Williams-Preston and Tipps). <br /> Bill No. 17-64- River West Development Area Expansion <br /> 5 <br />