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Committee Chair Scott stated, This didn't roll out easy and here we are now three (3)years later <br /> and we still have a long way to go. I think this lies with the Executive level. They need to take a <br /> hard look at this. <br /> Mr. Croymans replied, Part of our built process was we had sub-committees for police, fire and <br /> technical workers that met on a weekly basis. A large part of the operations team went to those <br /> meetings. During those meetings,the operations board had been supportive of those additional <br /> fourteen(14) and they actually approved it. It was stricken at the executive level because they <br /> wanted to see the efficiency technology would bring first. I think we are at that point where it is <br /> now justifiable. <br /> Both Committee Chair Scott and Councilmember White expressed their concerns on the <br /> financial necessity created by the 911 Center budget. <br /> Committeemembers then briefly discussed a few numbers on the handouts (available in the City <br /> Clerk's Office) to clarify a few minor questions. <br /> Mr. Croymans stated, Based on the numbers DLZ provided initially, and before my time, the <br /> ideal number of dispatchers was actually eighty-one (81). So seventy-eight(78) is still <br /> technically three (3) or four(4)under. <br /> Diane Villa, Systems Specialist of the South Bend Police Department, stated, Back when we <br /> were our own center, I know the South Bend Fire Department asked for additional personnel <br /> because they needed closed channels monitored. The instance we had was you would have a <br /> dispatcher who might be managing two (2) or three (3) closed channels and answering 911 at the <br /> same time. That can be a safety risk to the responders that are out there. We asked at that time for <br /> more additional staffing. We were having staffing issues at that time as well. <br /> Mr. Croymans reiterated,And the seventy-eight(78) is just for the operations side of things. <br /> Committee Chair Jo M. Broden asked, What is the running tab and what was budgeted with <br /> regard to IT support from the City of South Bend? <br /> Mr. Croymans replied, It wasn't budgeted. <br /> Committee Chair Broden followed up, So when I hear about the considerable help with the CAD <br /> conversion and also the LOQUTION,how much help was there specifically? <br /> Committee Chair Scott replied, It is gratis to the Center but it is time taken away from IT on <br /> other people. I have heard nothing but good things about the IT Department for helping out. <br /> When this started, it was a nuts and bolt technology disaster to be honest. To be where we are <br /> now, I'm nothing but impressed because I wasn't so sure at the very beginning. We are getting <br /> there now with the personnel issue being addressed, but we don't know when that light of day is <br /> until the budget is approved or the Executive Board talks about that personnel. <br /> 5 <br />