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Committee Chair Scott asked, Were you looking for a personnel increase, or an overall budget <br /> increase for the 2018 budget? <br /> Mr. Croymans replied, We submitted the exact same personnel in the budget. Personally, I do <br /> think having an additional fourteen(14) staff would cover us not only on the call processing, but <br /> also for the operational needs of the center. One (1) of the things we really struggle with at the <br /> center is covering benefit time. When someone calls off sick or takes vacation, we aren't able to <br /> cover that with our normal staffing numbers. It always resorts to overtime. There is <br /> approximately $600,000 spent annually on overtime. The fourteen(14) extra people would help <br /> us also on the operational side. They would help provide those resources to the departments to <br /> handle the closed channels for burglaries, robberies and commercial structure fires. We don't <br /> have the staff right now to dedicate anyone to handle those isolated, critical incidents. The <br /> biggest thing is covering bathroom and lunch breaks without the staff. The dispatchers are <br /> typically working two (2) or three (3) days a week on overtime. Typically they work eight(8) <br /> hour shifts but there are at least two (2)to three (3) days where almost every dispatcher in the <br /> center is working a twelve (12) hour day. Training programs are typically six (6)to nine (9) <br /> months depending on what agency they are training for. Some agencies have better training <br /> material and some places have no training material. We are in the process of standardizing that. <br /> The biggest thing about turning the CAD system on is it gives us the ability to have one (1) <br /> structured program. The training manual is being developed and should be done within the next <br /> sixty(60) to ninety(90) days. <br /> Ms. Etter stated, Our current budget for overtime in 2017 was $160,000. As of June 1, 2017 we <br /> are currently at $287,000 in overtime. When our 2017 budget was discussed with our Board, it <br /> was clear that we were going to be way over what we budgeted for. The coverage comes out of <br /> our reserves and that's what has been done for the past couple of years. We are almost at the end <br /> of that rope. Projected monies spent on overtime in total, if we keep this pace,will be around <br /> $740,000, which is not much different from 2015 or 2016. A lot of the overtime costs for 2017 <br /> are natural. Our six (6) and three (3) rotation we have has a dispatcher work six (6) days and <br /> have off three (3) days. That sixth(6t') day of the week, because of labor laws, costs us $193,000 <br /> annually for our sixty-four(64) employees. We cannot get rid of that overtime expense. Another <br /> issue is the benefit time. Every time someone calls in sick,takes vacation or personal time, we <br /> simply don't have the employees to cover it. Based on the employees we have now and their <br /> current seniority, we are looking at $500,000 remaining to be spent in 2017. Ten(10) additional <br /> employees would bring it to neutral, and four (4)more would bring it down. With the minimum <br /> twelve (12) employees on the floor, if somebody takes a day off it causes overtime. <br /> Committeemember White stated, I was shocked when we came to the budget last year and we <br /> had all the additional monies we had to put in to this as the City. <br /> Mr. Croymans replied, During the consolidation, a lot of our cost savings came from capital <br /> expenses, especially now being in one (1) building and improving technology expenses. If we <br /> didn't consolidate, we would still have four(4) separate CAD systems and CAD systems can <br /> cost up to $2 million each. So there were cost savings on the capital expense side, but we are not <br /> seeing the savings on the personnel side. <br /> 4 <br />