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Chuck Bulot, Building Department with offices at 125 S Lafayette Boulevard, stated, Any time we add <br /> flexibility to streamline an operation of building use and development, it is a positive thing and this aids <br /> in that development. <br /> With no other members of the public wishing to make comment, Committee Chair Davis turned the <br /> floor back to the Committee for further comments or main motion. Committeemember Ferlic made a <br /> motion to send Bill No. 40-17 to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. Committeemember <br /> Voorde seconded the motion which carried unanimously by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 17-37- Special Exception at 1502 W. Dunham <br /> Bob Palmer, Common Council Attorney, stated, This is a unique position for the Council to be <br /> in. In ruling on a special exception, the Council is acting as a quasi-judicial body, instead of a <br /> legislative body. Therefore, there are specific criteria to look at in passing this petition. Those <br /> criteria are as follows: One (1) is the determination of whether or not the proposed use will be <br /> injurious to public safety, comfort, community moral standards, convenience or general welfare. <br /> Two (2) is the determination of whether or not the proposed use will injure or adversely affect <br /> the use of the adjacent area or property values therein. Three (3) is the determination of whether <br /> or not the proposed use will be consistent with the character of the district in which it is located <br /> and the land uses authorized therein. And four (4) is the determination of whether or not the <br /> proposed use is compatible with the recommendations of the City of South Bend Comprehensive <br /> Plan. Also, unlike your legislative function in which you consider the wishes of your constituents <br /> and any other item you believe is relevant in passing legislation, since you are a quasi-judicial <br /> body, your review should be limited to the record proceedings in the ABZA Meeting,the <br /> Committee hearings and the Public Hearing you will hear tonight. The Council should not <br /> consider any other communications that have not been provided to all Councilmembers and the <br /> general public. <br /> James A. Masters, 350 Columbia Street, stated, I am here on behalf of Robert Burg for the <br /> special exception for property at 1502 W Dunham. The petition is to permit a special exception <br /> for the property. This property has a history that bares some recognition. There had been a bar <br /> there called the `Dunham Inn' for at least fifty (50) years and the property was zoned C, <br /> Commercial. In May of 2004, there was a paper zoning change by the Area Plan Commission <br /> that changed the zoning to MU, Mixed-Use.Nobody asked for that and the property owner <br /> didn't request the change, for there was no consent. The effect of that zoning change made the <br /> property a legal non-conforming use. It could remain a tavern, it was just no longer in the proper <br /> zoning district. In Mixed-Use zoning districts, you have to ask for a special exception to have a <br /> tavern, so here we are. So the change is the tavern wants to have a deck. That has been the <br /> subject of some consternation. Could things have been done differently? You bet. Should it have <br /> been done differently? I think so. But, we are now before you asking for the special exception. It <br /> comes to you with a favorable recommendation from the Area Plan Commission as well as the <br /> Area Board of Zoning Appeals. I hope you have all had the opportunity to go through the <br /> minutes of the ABZA meeting. They went through this subject pretty thoroughly. Written into <br /> the record of that meeting are numerous letters from people that support the granting of the <br /> special exception. Your Council, Mr. Palmer, has suggested to you that your review be limited to <br /> the four(4) statutory exceptions for granting this. The ABZA found that it met all the legal <br /> 4 <br />