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Committeemember Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 34-17 to the full Council with a favorable <br /> recommendation. Committeemember John Voorde seconded the motion which carried unanimously by a <br /> voice vote of four(4) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 40-17- Indoor Storage Text Amendment <br /> Ms. Smith stated, Before you is a text amendment to add a new use to the South Bend Zoning <br /> Ordinance. We already have many self-storage warehouses but in recent years we have had instances <br /> where developers have wanted to reuse vacant retail spaces that have all the necessities for storage units. <br /> We don't have anything in our ordinance that addresses that right now and we have been treating them <br /> like mini self-storage warehouses. We would then run into a conflict where they can't also have retail in <br /> the same complex. There was a PUD, Planned Unit Development, at the corner of McKinley and <br /> Hickory that faced this problem. We are trying to move away from the use of PUDs and this is a <br /> solution that we think will be valuable going forward. The text amendment before you creates and <br /> defines that use and allows for it within the CB, CBD, and GB Districts. They are already allowed in the <br /> LI, Light Industrial Districts. It also incorporates some development standards. The intent is to maintain <br /> the retail character of the district they are in. This comes to you from the Area Plan Commission with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Modifying the zoning ordinance to allow for this adaptive reuse of large <br /> vacant commercial structures for the creation of conveniently placed new storage facilities will promote <br /> the stability and vibrancy of the Commercial Districts within the City. <br /> Committee Chair Davis opened the floor to questions from the Committee or Councilmembers for the <br /> petitioner. There were none. <br /> Committee Chair Davis stated, I am one (1) of the cosponsors of this legislation. As it was presented, the <br /> Area Plan Commission was in favor of this. We have many situations that this could apply to. <br /> Committeemember Broden stated, I think this is one (1) of those `vacant-to-value' situations, but on <br /> steroids. We have the opportunity to put back into use and recycle old buildings for new purposes. <br /> Obviously there are some environmental benefits that are of interest to me and my support of the <br /> legislation. We are trying to meet a basic service for individuals but this is a possibility across all the <br /> districts. From a developer's standpoint,the cost is greatly reduced by repurposing these buildings and <br /> there is also a built-in market. The buildings are right in the middle of the activity of the given market. I <br /> want to thank the Area Plan Commission and the Office of Community Investment. <br /> Committee Chair Davis then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or <br /> in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Mike Divita, Office of Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated, As Councilmember Broden pointed out,we worked closely with the Area Plan <br /> Commission staff. We think this change will offer property owners an economically viable reuse of the <br /> building, specifically the big-box and other large structures. With the standards proposed, it really gives <br /> flexibility to allow buildings to shift to and from self-storage use as the market dictates. <br /> 3 <br />