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better way. The culmination of that technical work is about to be presented. The second track is <br /> the negotiation track. We have been talking about it all along but now that we have the technical <br /> information, the negotiations really go into high-gear. The third track is the policy track. It is also <br /> the case that federal law and federal practice could change. It could change in a way that makes <br /> it easier for us to comply. We are continuing on this track. Under the prior Federal <br /> Administration, I often raised this issue with former EPA officials and our congressional <br /> representation. I've already discussed this with our newly elected senator and the senior senator. <br /> I will also be testifying in congress on this issue in about two (2) weeks in front the sub- <br /> committee on Water, Resources and Environment, which is part of the committee on <br /> Transportation and Infrastructure in the House of Representatives. We are developing that <br /> testimony in concert with the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the focus is on this question of <br /> affordability and integrated planning. I've also notified the acting administrator for the EPA for <br /> our region. There hasn't been a Presidential appointment yet so one (1) of the career employees <br /> there is acting as the administrator there and I've provided him with a heads up. This is the first <br /> time since I've been Mayor that a mayor has testified in Congress on a policy matter. This shows <br /> the centrality of this issue to our City's long-term future and how important it is on our priority <br /> list. <br /> Committeemember Oliver Davis asked, You said there are three (3) phases. At what point do <br /> you bring that matter to the Council for any type of vote on this kind of issue? To my knowledge, <br /> your predecessor never brought this issue before Council. At what point will we entertain public <br /> discussion? <br /> Mayor Buttigieg replied, So I can't speak to the prior process of course but since we've been in <br /> office,there has been an understanding that we all need to be engaged with the Council. <br /> Procedurally, it's a negotiation between the Federal Government and the City. I would suggest <br /> there may come a point when some sort of action,possibly a resolution,would be in order once <br /> we are all on the same page. Today is intended to be just a step in that direction so that we are <br /> having a dialogue. It's also the case that all of this will have to be paid for. While on one (1) <br /> hand we are required to do it, on the other hand we can't do it without the authority from <br /> Council. So that is all the more reason why I think it's a healthy thing to be having this dialogue <br /> now rather than presenting something to Council that has already happened. <br /> Kieran Fahey, Director of the Long Term Control Plan with offices on the 13`h floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated, This is the largest Public Works project that will come across your <br /> desk and is the largest Public Works project in the history of South Bend. It has the ability to <br /> shape the future of South Bend in many ways. As the Mayor mentioned, our approach has been a <br /> multi-tracked approach. We realize the engineering approach will get us so far but subsequent <br /> and concurrent to that are the political implications. It is important that this project benefits <br /> South Bend in as many ways as possible. It should not just be spending a lot of money toward <br /> one (1) issue. We feel through green-infrastructure and socially and environmentally engaging <br /> with the community,the economy and vibrancy of South Bend will benefit in many ways. We <br /> are very excited. It has been very challenging over the past few years being faced with this <br /> daunting task. The first task was to do a full re-assessment of where we were. That made us <br /> realize that not only were we in a bad situation,but things were worse than we anticipated. The <br /> Long Term Control Plan has two (2)phases. Phase One (1)included wastewater treatment plant <br /> 3 <br />