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assure responsibility and compliance. Chairperson White wondered how a citizen can <br />report a problem. Valerie Schey thought clearly posted telephone numbers in cabs to call <br />and record complaints would help. Bill Anksorus, a driver, said many of the problems <br />and complaints are due to independent even unlicensed cabs. While the legitimate cab <br />companies work to comply they are competing with and being undercut by the rogue <br />cabs. He said six of the 11 licensed companies do not provide night dispatch service as <br />required by law. Ann-Carol Nash suggested the issuance system be reviewed and also <br />felt the airport folks needed to be at the discussion table. Kathy Cekanski-Farrand <br />maintained enforcement, fairly & consistently was the problem. Councilmember Varner <br />suggested a two tier system of licenses be tried, one for day only and orie for 24 hour <br />operation. Responding to the enforcement issue Ann-Carol Nash said it all falls on her <br />and aone-person enforcement approach which just can't get the job done. Notre Dame <br />Student Grant Schmidt felt better signage in cabs for rates and complaint recourse would <br />help. Captain Rynearson said rates should be clearly posted on the outside of cabs. <br />Valerie Schey suggested uniform colors and markings on cabs to help identify companies <br />would help. Driver training requirements, driver's log requirements, provision of receipts <br />and ability to use credit cards to pay fares were all discussed. Kathy Cekanski-Farrand <br />suggested another meeting with all parties concerned by held after the holidays. In the <br />meantime she would continue to research "best practices" in other locales. <br />Chairperson White agreed tentatively setting the next meeting for Wednesday, January <br />20, 2010 at 3:30 p.m. <br />There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time, Chairperson <br />White adjourned the meeting at 5:35 p.m. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson <br />Health and Public Safety Committee <br />