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.. <br />a HEALTH AND PUBLIC SAFETY <br />t <br />DECEMBER 2, 2009 <br />Karen L. White, Chairperson, Health and Public Safety Committee called the meeting to <br />order at 4:30 p.m. <br />Committee Members Present: Ann Puzzello, Valerie Schey, Citizen Member <br />Other Councilmember's Present: Al "Buddy" Kirsits, David Varner <br />Other's Present: Mary Wisniewski, Central Services, Captain Jeff Rynearson -SBPD, <br />Bill Anksorus, Driver City/Checker Cab, Grant Schmidt, Notre Dame Student Body <br />President, Ann-Carol Nash, Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand <br />Agenda: Initial Discussion on Amendments to the Taxi Cab Ordinance <br />Chairperson White briefly outlined the need to review the provisions of the taxi <br />ordinance. Chairperson White then turned the discussion to Ann-Carol Nash, Deputy <br />City Attorney, who is assigned this topic for her comments. <br />Ann-Carol recounted the collaborative efforts among the administration, the Council, the <br />owners and taxi drivers, and the SBPD that produced the 1999 ordinance. Based upon <br />complaints regarding current compliance including, cleanliness of cabs, availability, and <br />adherence to rate schedules, and courtesy of drivers, she felt it was time to review the <br />effectiveness of the provisions. Ann-Carol also alluded to enforcement problems due to <br />inconsistency, lack of attention, education, and insufficient dedication of resources in the <br />Legal Department. Responding to Karen White's question about the nature of complaints <br />Ann-Carol spoke of taxi availability, especially at night, rate variances, and rogue <br />unlicensed cabs. She also spoke of enforcement successes especially in the background <br />checks done before licenses are issued. <br />Kathy Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney, suggested her research of "best practices" <br />gleaned from other city's experience could be melded into our own standards. Kathy also <br />indicated that with 11 local cab companies, employing 184 drivers there were only three <br />citations issued last year for non-compliance with the current bill uneven enforcement of <br />the current provisions for whatever reason needed review. <br />Ann-Carol Nash interjected that suspensions or denials of licenses would be more <br />effective than fines. SBPD night-shift Capt. Rynearson said the majority of complaints <br />occur during football weekends, there not being a major problem otherwise. Ann-Carol <br />reinforced her claim that ticket issuance was not the solution. She suggested working <br />with the taxi companies to get them to accept personal responsibility for compliance. <br />Threat of license suspension or denial of a license to operate a cab being a better way to <br />