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With no further questions from the Committee or Council, Committee Chair Davis opened the <br /> floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Stephen Hayes, 1219 White Oak Dr., stated, I live in the Wooded Estates Neighborhood. I <br /> emailed Council most of my concerns. The biggest concern was it is more student housing and <br /> we want to make sure we know who is going to be in the homes. We also want the look and feel <br /> of the development to be consistent with the environment already there. We were also concerned <br /> with the privacy, but that concern seemed to be dealt with. We are more comfortable with where <br /> we are at, but we want to make sure we know these agreements will be upheld if there is a new <br /> owner. <br /> With no other members of the public wishing to speak in favor or in opposition to the legislation, <br /> Committee Chair Davis turned the floor back to the Committee for further discussion or main <br /> motions. Committee Chair Davis clarified with Interim Council Attorney DeRose that the written <br /> commitments agreed upon within the ordinance would be held throughout any ownership. <br /> Interim Council Attorney DeRose verified that is correct. Interim Council Attorney DeRose also <br /> clarified which set of written commitments that will be accepted, and it was answered that the <br /> seven(7)presented by Ms. Penn are the agreements to be accepted and adopted. <br /> Committemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 04-17 to the full Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. This motion was seconded by Committeemember John Voorde and <br /> carried unanimously by a voice vote of five (5) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 13-17-Amending the Zoning Ordinance for property located at: Southeast corner <br /> of Cotter and Kendall Streets <br /> David Stanton, Area Plan Commission with offices on the 11th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated, We are looking at the Martin's property on the Southeast corner of Cotter and <br /> Kendall Streets. On the site we currently have a vacant lot. To the north and east of the site, the <br /> properties are zoned PUD—Planned Unit Development. To the south of the site is a vacant lot <br /> zoned LI—Light Industrial. And to the west of the site is Martin's Corporate Headquarters zoned <br /> GI—General Industrial. The site plan is two point three (2.3) acres. There is no planned <br /> development on the preliminary site plan however if there was to be any, it would have to meet <br /> all the standards set forth in the LI—Light Industrial District. In 2010, this area was rezoned <br /> from GI—General Industrial to PUD—Planned Unit Development. The petitioner has proposed <br /> written commitments that limit the possible uses, and limits the height to ninety(90) feet. With <br /> the information given this evening, and prior to the public hearing, the APC staff recommends <br /> the zoning petition be sent to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. Rezoning this <br /> site to LI will allow for the expansion of the business in the manner, intent and design <br /> established by Martins. <br /> Michael Divita, Department of Community Investment with offices on the 14th floor of the <br /> County-City Building, stated,After working a few years on this project,the Redevelopment <br /> Commission recently sold this parcel to Martins to give it the flexibility to expand their <br /> 4 <br />