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Committeemember Davis asked Mr. Wojtila if he had spoken with Volcano Restaurant or not. <br /> Mr. Wojtila responded that he did not realize it was an issue until the previous week. He called <br /> the restaurant on Friday, January 20th, 2017 and left a message for the owner. He did not receive <br /> a call back. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked, Why this spot versus everything and anything up and down Lincoln <br /> Way? There are plenty of spots to be repurposed; many spots within a commercial status, as far <br /> as zoning, versus a place that is residential right now. Did anybody from Community Investment <br /> help you look for a site? <br /> Mr. Wojtila responded, My role is not in site selection, but I can tell you that Dollar General, <br /> based on their market research, advised us where they would like to be located. As a developer <br /> for them, they will give us a location and then we will do the property research. This one was a <br /> site that was situated between a Light Industrial zone and a General Commercial zone, even <br /> though it sounds residential. The properties along the corridor belong predominantly to the <br /> Commercial zoning classification. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked, Is there any way that you would have that answered by 7:00 p.m. <br /> tonight? <br /> Mr. Wojtila responded, Sure. <br /> Committeemember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Substitute Bill No. 77-16 to the full <br /> Council with no recommendation. Committeemember John Voorde seconded the motion,which <br /> carried by four(4) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 78-16—Waggoner Dairy Farm Rezoning at Adams & Mayflower Road <br /> Angela Smith, Area Plan Commission, with offices on the 11th Floor of the County-City <br /> Building, served as the presenter of this bill. Ms. Smith stated that the petitioner is seeking to <br /> rezone a one-hundred and nineteen(119) acre tract on the east side of the bypass. It touches <br /> Adams Road on the south and carries over and touches Mayflower Road on the west. The site is <br /> currently zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development. However,the PUD has expired, in terms of <br /> the preliminary approval. Ms. Smith stated, At the time that this was rezoned in 2005, we had an <br /> expiration. In 2010,their extensions expired. In 2013,the City made an amendment in the <br /> ordinance to no longer allow PUD's to expire, but they kind of fell into that gap, so they stay <br /> zoned PUD unless the property owner,the City Council, or the Area Plan Commission rezones <br /> them, or unless the developer were to go back through the process themselves. Ms. Smith <br /> presented images of the property and its surroundings to the Committee and public. She stated, <br /> The total area of the site to be rezoned is one-hundred and nineteen(119) acres. They are <br /> currently showing two (2) development lots, with Lot A on the southern portion containing a <br /> 315,000 square foot industrial facility with its associate parking and loading docks. There are <br /> plans for future expansion to the north, if this should carry forward. Ms. Smith presented to the <br /> Committee and public a close-up image of the proposed site that the petitioners were looking to <br /> 8 <br />