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Councilmember Williams-Preston asked, So the trash—it would be like a privacy fence around <br /> it? <br /> Mr. Wojtila responded, Yes, it would be a solid thing. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for public comment on the above bill,proponents and <br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> None from the public wished to speak in favor of this bill. <br /> Those wishing to speak in opposition to this bill: <br /> Jerry Barcevic, Volcano Restaurant, 3700 Lincoln Way West, South Bend, IN came up to the <br /> podium with Thomas Walz of the law firm Hahn Walz, PC, 509 West Washington Street, South <br /> Bend, IN. Mr. Walz listed the concerns of the Volcano Restaurant landowner, such as the fact <br /> that the mirroring suggestion would probably make visibility worse for Volcano Restaurant. He <br /> explained that much of the restaurant's business comes from newcomers to the City who have <br /> just landed at South Bend International Airport. He worried that that customer base would be lost <br /> if people unfamiliar with South Bend could not see the restaurant as they drove down Lincoln <br /> Way. He stated, I think Mr. Wojtila's photo from Akron really encompasses the issue, because <br /> that in itself shows the building on an angular street. It really shows you—from the angle that <br /> that picture was taken—the inability to see to the other side and the inability to see what would <br /> be around the corner. Mr. Walz took this time to read passages he had isolated himself from the <br /> 2014 West Side Main Streets Plan. He stated, It talks really about the history of what Lincoln <br /> Way West was and what it is being: which is a treeline street with pedestrian-friendly nodes that <br /> are separated by residential properties. In this case, this is not at the intersection of a main <br /> thoroughfare. This is right in the middle of the Sheridan and Bendix nodes: the exact thing that <br /> the West Side Main Streets Plan was intended to prevent. Furthermore, in terms of the areas <br /> between the nodes, the plan states, "It is equally important to ensure that development does not <br /> creep into these zones that are and should be predominantly residential between the nodes."If <br /> you permit the Dollar General, you are cutting against the intent that was in mind when the West <br /> Side Main Streets Plan was put in place. I know that the staff report for the Area Plan <br /> Commission talks about the fact that the petition is consistent with the West Side Main Streets <br /> Plan. For these reasons, I would respectfully submit that it isn't. The West Side Main Streets <br /> Plan was intended to protect and to nurture businesses like my client's. Mr. Walz warned that if <br /> the Council allows this project to go forward, it would not only go against the plan but it would <br /> open the door for other such developments in the future. <br /> Mr. Wojtila,responding to Mr. Walz, stated that the design that Zaremba put together is sensitive <br /> to the MU zoning classification that they were advised to follow. He stated that they were happy <br /> to mirror the site,to push the building a little further away from Lincoln Way, to not have <br /> parking at the front of the building, and to still maintain a pedestrian feel. He stated that pushing <br /> the building further west would improve visibility. He concluded his rebuttal by stating, I <br /> respectfully disagree with the comments that were made, because the plan that we put together <br /> was guided toward the MU zoning classification. <br /> 7 <br />