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for visibility, but, again, we have no problem with mirroring it if that's something that the staff in <br /> Engineering feels is appropriate. <br /> Committeemember Scott asked, Would that building slide exactly parallel across, over to the <br /> west, or would you bring it up to the proximity to the street like what you have right now? So, <br /> would it slide up on an angle, in parallel to Portage Avenue, or would it slide directly over with <br /> more of a setback from Lincoln Way? <br /> Ms. Smith responded, Fifty percent(50%) of the building would still have to be within the <br /> minimum-maximum setback. If they flipped it,they would have to slide the building north. <br /> Committeemember Scott asked that Mr. Wojtila answer his question. <br /> Mr. Wojtila stated that there is plenty of depth to move the building south if necessary and that <br /> they could do it, though they would have to get a variance to get it done. <br /> Commiteemember Scott responded, My concern right now is how close it is to Lincoln Way, <br /> which is blocking a local business with the Volcano Restaurant. <br /> Mr. Wojtila reiterated that they had no problem with that. He stated, We did provide a slide that <br /> shows the visibility. Mr. Wojtila presented the aforementioned slide to the Committee and <br /> public. He stated, What we have shown here is a car, and the visibility limited by the corner of <br /> the building. Mr. Wojtila then pointed out where the trees would be lined. He stated, It's pretty <br /> similar,but, again,we don't have a problem with sliding it away and increasing that. Same thing <br /> with the signage. The sign would not be impaired by the location, as it is shown here. Likewise, <br /> coming from the west, heading towards the east,we generally don't think it is an issue because <br /> the trees are along here. He stated that they had no problem with that, especially if the tree line <br /> was pulled back, which might increase the visibility for the existing business to the east. <br /> Mr. Wojtila turned the subject to the design of the project. He passed out papers to the <br /> Committee and Councilmembers depicting the proposed building design. He stated, We put our <br /> effort into the design towards the front of the building, which is consistent with the MU design <br /> guidelines. He then described aspects of the project in relative detail, such as the stone aesthetic <br /> that would be employed for the front of the building, or the various arrangements of lights at <br /> different elevations of the building. He passed an image to Committee and Councilmembers of a <br /> previous project of his from Akron, OH that was completed in 2013. He stated, You can see that <br /> there is nice landscaping. The design is a durable design. Mr. Wojtila explained that the Akron <br /> site was smaller than the one in South Bend, stating, There is a lot more opportunity at Lincoln <br /> Way because of the larger site. <br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner asked, On the image you gave us, are you bricked all the way <br /> on all four(4) sides? I noticed the one proposed here reduces itself to steel siding at about thirty <br /> (30) feet. <br /> Mr. Wojtila responded that the Akron site has a brick look on all four(4) sides. <br /> S <br />