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commercial zone from intruding into the neighborhood to the south. They will have to do the <br /> residential buffer yards and everything that is required along that boundary line,but we <br /> encouraged them not to zone more than they felt necessary. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, My big concern is the buffer and the screening between the <br /> residential and commercial zones—and also on the Volcano Restaurant side. And you have a <br /> corner there that is adjacent to two (2) lots further to the west, towards Sheridan. There is <br /> probably going to be no screening on the west side? <br /> Ms. Smith responded, In the north, east, and west,they are required to have one shade tree every <br /> forty (40) feet as an open landscaping. In the south, they are required to have a full-screening, <br /> double-staggered row of evergreen trees. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked, So, the property east of the house will remain what zoning? <br /> Residential? <br /> Ms. Smith stated that that would remain residential. <br /> John Wojtila, Zaremba Group, 14600 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, OH, served as the petitioner of <br /> this bill. Mr. Wojtila presented an image to the Committee and public showing the proposed <br /> project in the context of the surrounding neighborhood. Walking over to the projector screen, he <br /> pointed out the location of the proposed building and stated, These streets came with the building <br /> closer to the street, consistent with MU guidelines. We did locate the driveway on the west side <br /> of the building to be closer to the street across from us, but I know from the Area Plan <br /> Commission meeting last week that the restaurant owner to the east was concerned about <br /> visibility. We are certainly okay with mirroring the site, if Engineering is okay with that— <br /> indications were that Engineering was okay with that. There is ample room for buffering. We <br /> would be able to maintain all the mature trees along the east property line. Mr. Wojtila pointed <br /> out the area of the map that Committeemember Broden and Ms. Smith discussed, which <br /> resembled an alleyway. He stated, This really is just for maneuvering. Once a week, a Dollar <br /> General truck would come to the site and they would have to pull in, and there would be a little <br /> access without backing out onto Lincoln Way. That is strictly for maneuvering. All the shoppers <br /> would be parking up here through to the entry door and would be at the corner, facing Lincoln <br /> Way. Mr. Wojtila explained that this was not a deep development. He pointed out the rezoning <br /> limit for the Committee and public, as well as the development limit further north, and stated, <br /> The property that we have under contract extends all the way down here. <br /> Committeemember Davis asked, Basically, you will flip that around and put the driveway near to <br /> Volcano Restaurant? <br /> Mr. Wojtila responded, Yes, we are okay with that. <br /> Mr. Wojtila then explained how the site's orientation would be mirrored, pointing out where the <br /> entryways to the site would be, as well as where the building and parking area would be. He <br /> pointed out where the mature trees would be lined and stated, We don't think this is a bad plan <br /> 4 <br />