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REGULAR MEETING <br />MAXIMUM BUI1 <br />IN CBD DISTRIC <br />FEBRUARY 13, 2017 <br />,ING HEIGHT PERMITTED <br />3 LOCATED BETWEEN THE <br />ST. JOSEPH RIVE AND THE EAST RACE <br />WATERWAY <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to accept Substitute Bill No. 08 -17. Councilmember <br />Tim Scott seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />I <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Substitute Bill No. 08 -17 to the Area Plan <br />Commission for a meeting on February 21St, 2017, and the Zonin g and Annexation Committee <br />for Second and Third Reading on February 27th, 2017. Council ember Tim Scott seconded the <br />motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />09 -17 FIRST READING N AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1237 & 1303 <br />IRONWOOD DRI <br />DISTRICT NO.4 <br />BEND, INDIANA <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. <br />for a meeting on February 21St, 2017, and the Zoning and Ant. <br />Third Reading on February 27th, 2017. Councilmember Jo M. <br />which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />COUNCILMANIC <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />17 to the Area Plan Commission <br />ition Committee for Second and <br />Dden seconded the motion <br />10 -17 FIRST READING N AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1905 E GOODSON <br />COURT, COUNCI LMANIC DISTRICT NO. 3 IN <br />THE CITY OF SO TH BEND; INDIANA <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Bill No. 10 17 to the Area Plan Commission <br />for a meeting on February 21St, 2017, and the Zoning and Anne ation Committee for Second and <br />Third Reading on February 27th, 2017. Councilmember Tim Sc tt seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />17 -05 A RESOLUTION <br />F THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />APPROVING A P <br />TITION OF THE AREA <br />BOARD OF ZONI <br />NG APPEALS FOR THE <br />PROPERTY LOC <br />TED AT 1411 CARROLL <br />STREET, LOTS 8 <br />, 83, 84, HANEY'S ADDITION <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to send Bill No. 17 -05 to the Area Board of Zoning <br />Appeals for a meeting on March 1 St, 2017, and the Zoning and Annexation Committee for <br />Second and Third Reading on March 13th, 2017. Councilmemb Gavin Ferlic seconded the <br />motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. 7 <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis announced that he has been <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis also announced a TRANSPO sun <br />February 201h, 2017. He asked Councilmembers to email him a <br />to see implemented in the next five (5) to ten (10) days. <br />22 <br />to be on a dog park committee. <br />t scheduled for Monda <br />.h list of what they would like <br />