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REGULAR MEETING <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />17 -01 <br />FEBRUARY 13, 2017 <br />A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE <br />ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY <br />RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN <br />AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 23464 <br />ADAMS ROAD, SOUTH BEND, IN 46628 AS <br />AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR <br />PURPOSES OF A NINE (9) YEAR REAL <br />PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT FOR GLC <br />SBDC II, LLC <br />Brian Pawlowski, the Department of Community Investment, with offices on the 14th Floor of <br />the County -City Building, served as the presenter and petitioner of this bill. Mr. Pawlowski <br />stated, This is confirming that there have been no changes. The location of this would be to the <br />south of Adams Road. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />None wished to speak in favor of this bill. <br />Those wishing to speak in opposition to the bill: <br />Kathy Bieschke, 24440 Adams Road, South Bend, IN, asked why the property in question would <br />have an Adams Road or Mayflower Road address if it does not have access to either of those <br />roads. Ms. Bieschke also asked why it would have a five (5) digit address if it is State property, <br />and stated that she proposed that this was an incorrect address. She asked, If this is supposed to <br />be an Economic Revitalization Area, is that an accurate depiction of that property? She stated <br />that tax abatements represent preferential treatment toward developers, and that businesses will <br />just leave when the abatements end. <br />Mr. Pawlowski returned to the podium and stated, When buildings do not yet exist and we are <br />talking about the general vicinity of where the building will go, then the description ends up <br />being something that looks a lot like this, where the building is set to go in a certain parcel. That <br />is what we use until the address can be changed later on down the road. <br />Rich Deahl, Barnes and Thornburg, 100 North Michigan Street, South Bend, IN, thanked Mr. <br />Pawlowski and the Department of Community Investment for the presentation of this resolution. <br />Mr. Deahl stated that he anticipated that the address for this would be a Chet Waggoner Drive <br />address, which is the newly constructed street serving this area in the southeast quadrant, when a <br />building permit is eventually pulled to facilitate this investment. He stated, This investment is an <br />effort to support and further the City's focus on having build - ready, site -ready buildings for <br />occupants to come into on a quick basis. So, this is a total spec building with a proposed <br />investment of over $7,700,000. Through the tax phase -in, what we are anticipating is converting <br />what is tax revenue that would be paid on this land over the next nine (9) years of maybe topping <br />$25,000 to having tax revenue that will phase -in to over this period of having taxes paid over <br />$1,200,000, with a stable base selling both lower bases from there. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to adopt Bill No. 17 -01. Councilmember Karen <br />White seconded the motion which carried by a roll call vote of nine (9) ayes. <br />08 -17 FIRST READING ON AN ORDINANCE <br />INITIATED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 3, <br />SECTION 21 -03 OF THE SOUTH BEND <br />MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW SUB- <br />PART 21- 03.06(b)(4)(C) TO INCREASE THE <br />21 <br />