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Council Member Dr. David Varner briefly added that he appreciates the work of all parties <br />involved. <br />Council Member Regina Williams- Preston also added that she appreciates the work. This is <br />indeed the work that Council requested at the prior December meeting in which the PUD <br />proposal failed, so she appreciates the work being done. She added there were many professional <br />architects and planners that spoke or sent letters of remonstrance on the original PUD petition, <br />she wonders where these professionals stand on this compromise bill. <br />Councilmember Broden expressed intent to propose an amendment that would ensure more <br />public engagement and input as the project progressed. <br />Council President Scott interjected that he liked the proposed resolution as is and would be <br />pushing a vote on the resolution as filed with City Clerk's Office. <br />Committee Member Broden shared that she thinks the Council is putting the cart before the <br />hourse, and doesn't agree with the Council completely usurping the planning process. As the 4th <br />District representative, she wants to ensure that past and present residents, businesses and <br />developers have an opportunity to share their vision and weigh in on the height restriction. In <br />fact, perhaps the 4th District prefers the original twelve (12) stories. If in fact they did, it would <br />represent a huge savings to the City. She also asked what the timeline would look like to develop <br />an updated, expedited East Bank Plan in relation to the timeline presented by Mr. Pawlowski <br />earlier. Also, if the height restriction is lifted, she added, how far into the East Bank would the <br />new one - hundred and twenty -five (125) foot maximum height allowance extend? <br />Brian Pawlowski shared that the planning process is long and tedious and given the tight <br />deadline of the Regional Cities grant, it's important to push forward with project. It would take <br />approximately three (3) months to update the plan, jeopardizing the Regional Cities grant. <br />Mr. Mueller briefly reiterated that amending the East Bank Plan would simply take too long in <br />light of the June 1St deadline. <br />Council Member Broden asked APC Staff to speak to legal options moving forward in this <br />prof ect. <br />Larry Magliozzi, Director of APC with offices on the 10th floor of the County -City building, <br />shared that there are two (2) legal remedies in moving forward with the proposed project. The <br />first he shared was outlined by Brian Pawlowski which is to petition the BZA for the height <br />variance. The second would be for the Council to amend the zoning ordinance and update the <br />East Bank Plan. Both are legal options on the table regarding this project. <br />Committee Member Davis opened the floor for public comment. <br />Rolanda Hughes, 1025 N. Riverside Dr., spoke in staunch opposition of the proposed <br />compromise bill stating that she felt the Council has bought a compromise. She is in favor of a <br />proposal that values the planning process and acknowledges the Comprehensive Plan and the <br />C <br />