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Committee Member Broden interjected a point of clarification and suggested the Regional Cities <br />Grant proposal is tied to this community and riverfront. <br />Council President Scott clarified that it is a regional opportunity that could be forfeited to other <br />neighboring communities. <br />Committee Chair Davis assured the public that this resolution has in fact been a part of a large <br />and continued public process regarding this project. He added, a Council meeting is not the <br />proper setting to negotiate the details, but rather a space to propose a project that the public can <br />weigh in on. Almost everyone, Committee Chair Davis asserted, wants this project to happen. <br />This compromise opportunity is the best way to ensure that happens. <br />Brian Pawlowski, Director of Community Investment, with offices on the 141' Floor of the <br />County -City building shared details and highlights of the compromise. The compromise mainly <br />addresses the height and reduces the project from one - hundred and forty -three (143) feet to one - <br />hundred and twenty -seven (127) feet, as well as, a reduction in the width of the project to further <br />reduce the building's foot print. Other key elements include additional public green space near <br />the East Race, and more public investment to support the parking garage. Mr. Pawlowski went <br />on to add the City will approach the Redevelopment Commission to add TIF investment to the <br />project. He also discussed the timeline of events looking forward regarding the completion of the <br />project. These public investments will ensure the viability of the project, bringing more roof tops <br />and a grocery store to downtown. Mr. Pawlowski added that he's willing to answer any <br />questions. <br />Mr. Mueller briefly added that the Mayor's Office is in support of this compromise resolution. <br />Councilmember Broden asked Mr. Pawlowski about the timing and viability of the project was <br />moving forward. <br />Mr. Pawlowski responded that there are many moving parts and assumptions being made here, <br />but the project has to go through BZA, the Redevelopment Commission, and receive final <br />approval from the Regional Cities Authority which would definitely extend close to the June 1 S` <br />deadline. <br />Committee Chair Davis opened the floor to Matthew's, LLC representative, Velvet Canada. <br />Velvet Canada, Matthews LLC., 121 S. Niles Ave., added that Matthew's LLC is happy to have <br />met a compromise that is a win -win for all parties. <br />Council Member White shared her gratitude for the compromise resolution. She recalls the last <br />Council meeting where various Councilmembers, including herself, asked that various <br />stakeholders come together and bring Council a proposal that represented a compromise since <br />most everyone wanted to see a grocery store and pharmacy in the downtown. She applauded <br />their work and appreciates the effort. <br />