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decision since the City will not realize a return on investment (ROI) for over eleven (11) years. <br />Even then, the upfront investment of taxpayer money compared to private dollars is a skewed <br />ratio. Committee Member Tipps submitted his typed comments to the Office of the City Clerk <br />for the record. <br />With no further comments on Bill No. 17 -02, Chairperson Ferlic entertained a motion from the <br />committee. Committee Member William Smith motioned to send Bill No. 17 -02 to full Council <br />favorably. Committee Member Oliver Davis seconded the motioned which carried by a vote of <br />three (3) ayes to two (2) nays (Committee Members Regina Williams- Preston and Paul Tipps). <br />Bill No. 05 -17- Eddy Street Commons Phase II Bond Issuance <br />Brian Pawlowski, Interim Director of the Department of Community Investment, with offices on <br />the 14th floor of the County -City Building, introduced Bill No. 05 -17 as the second phase of the <br />Eddy Street Commons project. He mentioned a typo in the presentation citing that this phase will <br />represent four hundred and thirty -one (43 1) new units not four hundred and one (401). The bond <br />issuance will cover infrastructure and construction costs related to the project. Mr. Pawlowski <br />highlighted that this project will pay for itself through TIF revenues. <br />Matt Gavit, Indianapolis, IN with Kite Realty Group discussed the design portion of the project. <br />The aim of the project is to increase density in the area, all parking will be underground and <br />surface parking is included in the scope. Kite Realty is bringing work -live spaces to the second <br />phase that will serve as residences year -round and there are several affordable housing lots <br />provided in collaboration with the NNRO. <br />Committee Member Davis shared that he appreciates the community selling points such as <br />additions in affordable housing and flex spaces. <br />Committee Member Williams- Preston mentioned there's some talk about which grocery store <br />will be brought in —names like Kroger have been mentioned. <br />Mr. Gavit responded Kite has definitely been in conversation with Kroger among others, but <br />would prefer a smaller specialty grocer that fits the scale of the development. <br />Committee Member Tipps asked where the hotel is located since it's not shown on the site plan, <br />and whether or not this project is tax exempt since the land is owned by Notre Dame. <br />Mr. Gavit responded that the hotel is north on Angela which is just outside of the site plan. He <br />went on to say the only tax exempt use on the site is the Robinson Community Learning Center <br />which will remain exempt as a non - profit; all others are tax generating entities. <br />With no further questions from Council, Chairperson Ferlic opened the floor for public hearing. <br />There were none to speak in favor or remonstrance on Bill No. 05 -17. <br />3 <br />