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Chairperson Ferlic thanked the presenter and petitioner for their presentations and turned the <br />floor to Council questions. <br />Committee Member Paul Tipps asked why we were allowing the petitioner to award themselves <br />forty -one (4 1) points for job retention when this is a speculative project with no current jobs to <br />retain. <br />Mr. Kobb responded that he couldn't share much about the details, but that those jobs are a <br />reflection of additional jobs coming with a business partnership in relationship to this project. <br />With no further questions from Council, Chairperson Ferlic opened the floor for public hearing. <br />There were none to speak in favor or remonstrance on Bill No. 16 -85. <br />Committee Member Oliver Davis motioned to send Bill No. 16 -85 to full Council favorably. The <br />motion was seconded by Committee Member Regina Williams- Preston and it carried <br />unanimously. <br />Bill No. 17 -02 — Declaratory (10) ten -year property tax abatement for Commerce Center <br />Committee Chairperson Ferlic welcomed a presenter on Bill No. 17 -02. <br />Aaron Kobb, Department of Community Investment, with offices on the 10 floor of the <br />County -City Building, introduced the petition as a $35 million investment for a mixed used <br />building adjacent to the current Commerce Center site. Over the life of the abatement the project <br />will generate approximately $385,000 in tax revenue. Throughout the post- abatement period, the <br />project will generate an additional $626,000 in annual tax revenue. <br />Velvet Canada, designer with Matthews, LLC. at 401 E. Colfax St., discussed the changes to the <br />project particularly as it relates to the height reduction to one - hundred and twenty -seven (127) <br />feet. She also added that the project would bring approximately eighty -four (84) jobs to the <br />downtown. <br />Chairperson Ferlic thanked the presenter and petitioner and turned the floor to public hearing. <br />Rolanda Hughes, 1025 Riverside Dr. asked a question related to the general tax abatement <br />strategy and how it works. <br />Mr. Kobb addressed Ms. Hughes' question by stating the abatement is a financial incentive to <br />businesses. <br />Brian Pawlowski, Interim Director of the Department of Community Investment, with offices on <br />the 14th floor of the County -City Building, echoed that the abatement is a tool to spur and <br />support job growth within the City. <br />Committee Member Paul Tipps expressed staunch opposition to the petition citing that the City's <br />unprecedented financial support of the Commerce Center proposal is not a sound economic <br />2 <br />