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expanded capacity. We also asked if there are other means where TIF can be used and we were <br />looking from a public safety standpoint. <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated there should be a memorandum or legal brief that <br />explains this new opinion of using TIF dollars to reimburse a City employee which is brand new. <br />If research has been done, the legal basis for that in the form of a memorandum needs to be <br />shared with the Council. We need to have it in a more formal capacity by tonight. If it is subject <br />to change, we have nothing to refer back to. <br />Mr. Murphy stated that makes sense and we can get it to the Council before this evening's <br />meeting. <br />Councilmember Davis stated we understand the use for professional services but this <br />reimbursement of departments is brand new. If it is this broad then we should look at other <br />departments where we can provide assistance through TIF. <br />Council President Scott stated he loves that the Administration is listening and doing creative <br />things but we just need to know the process behind those decisions. <br />Committeemember Williams- Preston stated she doesn't want it to go without saying that the <br />budget for sidewalks has not actually been increased but just returned to the level that it was last <br />year. She stated the Council made it fairly clear we wanted to see an increase in that budget and <br />it remaining flat is disappointing because this is something that the public is constantly asking <br />for. She stated that she hears so much from people the need to improve our sidewalks and she <br />would have really appreciated seeing that reflected in the budget. <br />Mr. Murphy responded that when we originally did these estimates we weren't sure where the <br />LOIT was going and when we found out that LOIT increased ten percent (10 %) we restored the <br />money. The sidewalk program is funded out of the LOIT fund. <br />Committee Chair White stated she believes we need to have more discussion on the sidewalk <br />program because we had to fight just to get it to be level for this year and the Councilmembers <br />have expressed that it is a priority of theirs. <br />Councilmember Randy Kelly asked if the entire sum was utilized this year for the sidewalk <br />program. <br />Jitin Cain, Public Works with offices on the 13th Floor, responded that all of it was utilized. <br />No one from the public spoke either in favor of or in opposition to the bill. <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to send Substitute Bill 63 -16 to the full Council <br />with a favorable recommendation. Councilmember John Voorde seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />Bill No. 44 -16: Appropriating monies for defraying Departmental expenses and Civil City <br />funds for the fiscal year ending 12 -31 -17 <br />5 <br />