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Bill No. 63 -16: Fixing salaries and wages for non - bargaining City Employees for 2017 <br />Councilmember Gavin Ferlic made a motion to accept the Substitute Bill 63 -16 on file with the <br />City Clerk's Office. Councilmember Regina Williams- Preston seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of four (4) ayes. <br />John Murphy, City Controller with offices on the 12t' Floor of the County -City Building, served <br />as the presenter and petitioner of this bill. Mr. Murphy provided a handout to the Committee, <br />which is on file with the City Clerk's Office, that is a summary of all changes made to the budget <br />since the initial department presentations. The summary has references so that a reader can see <br />exactly where in the budget that budget item is listed. Mr. Murphy detailed the changes on the <br />budget since the department presentations which are all listed on the handout. The major <br />highlight is the minimum wage increase to $10.10 for the lowest paid employees. Our key funds, <br />such as the General Fund, COIT, and LOIT funds, are balanced and revenue equals expenditures. <br />Mr. Murphy stated there has been a lot of discussion surrounding the salary ordinance. The total <br />non - bargaining wages are estimated to increase two point four percent (2.4 %) with the typical <br />increase being two percent (2 %). Certain positions are at a higher or lower level than the two <br />percent and are outlined in the ordinance itself. The ordinance shows the history of a position <br />from 2011 to 2017. We are trying to be transparent in that process. <br />Councilmember Davis asked when did we start using TIF dollars to pay for employee salaries. <br />Mr. Murphy responded that for a few years we have been reimbursing some legal costs to the <br />Legal Department through TIF but that is it. Our Legal Department has been doing research on <br />this issue and has determined that under certain conditions it is appropriate to use TIF dollars to <br />pay for salaries. We budgeted out the Engineering Department which would be reimbursed as we <br />do inter -fund transfers. Essentially, after the project we would pay the bill to ourselves. <br />Councilmember Davis asked if that is a system that would be used for other departments. <br />Mr. Murphy stated only, when the employee specifically works on a TIF project. <br />Councilmember Davis stated this is different because we have spoken over the last nine (9) years <br />it has never been brought to the Council to utilize TIF funds in these ways. <br />Mr. Murphy stated we were doing a couple of things differently with TIF in this budget. One (1) <br />of our Assistant City Attorneys researched the statute and came to this conclusion. We have to <br />look case by case for some of the broader employees. <br />Councilmember Davis asked for the reasoning to be.given to the Council before tonight because <br />there could be a tremendous amount of employees who you could refund from TIF who work in <br />TIF areas. He stated this opens up the discussion and widens the scope. <br />Councilmember White stated the question was posed at one (1) of our Committee meetings <br />where the Council asked the Administration to look into ways of using TIF monies in an <br />2 <br />