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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2016 <br />that point. The streets downtown and the river lights really complement each other but you also <br />need downtown development like this proposal. He stated he is in favor of the proposal at its <br />current height. Mr. Mathews knows what he is doing and South Bend is on its way. For many <br />people the job is secondary to the location of the job. We have to build a City where people want <br />to live. We are on our way but we need more development and this is a great next step. <br />Mathew Teeters, 223 East Colfax Avenue, thanked the Council for listening to the public. He <br />stated he is a neighbor of Mr. Mathews and this is a project that will be in his backyard. He <br />stated he is a local area doctor who works in Granger and he used to live in Granger which was <br />comfortable. It did not take long to buy into Mr. Mathew's vision for South Bend and understand <br />that this is where South Bend should go. In 2012, he moved downtown to the East Bank <br />Townhomes which is has been phenomenal. We have heard a lot about the East Bank Plan and <br />what the East Bank should be but we also need to think about the future of South Bend and not <br />just a plan that is set and static. This has to be dynamic growth and it has to change. <br />Mary Bundy, 318 South Francis Street South Bend, stated she is so amazed at the people who <br />came before her and fully agree with what they said. She stated people for good reasons want to <br />stick to a plan but this plan was in 2008. The fact that we have had our younger demographic not <br />growing should be alarming to this Council. If we don't have the younger demographic, this City <br />will not flourish. We need to look toward what the younger demographic wants when developing <br />our City. She stated this development also affects our health. We need to encourage density so <br />that people use our walking paths in South Bend. If we can encourage walking we will be a <br />much healthier City. The health of our citizens is important and it will attract the younger <br />demographic which is not moving here now. <br />Sharon Teska, 508 South 23rd Street South Bend, stated she lives in her grandmother's home <br />now but lived a long part of her life out on the East Coast. Those are very vibrant communities <br />where walking through those towns you can feel the life and culture of the City, where citizens <br />love their community. When Studebaker was around, we built beautiful buildings that put South <br />Bend in a situation where there wasn't anyone in the whole United States who didn't touch <br />something that wasn't built or manufactured or distributed out of South Bend. The dynamics and <br />the paradigms they were using then, don't necessarily fit in our time. We need to reestablish the <br />vibrancy that was once here. Nothing ever stays the same. This City will either get better or get <br />worse. <br />Mark McDonnell, stated he owns two (2) businesses at 115 West Colfax Avenue, stated <br />currently his two (2) restaurants are having their best year ever and feel that South Bend is really <br />on a roll. Business operates at a different pace than it did twenty (20) or thirty (30) years ago. We <br />need to move ahead on development. South Bend for a while took an ultra - cautious approach to <br />development and we cannot do that here. Things are happening faster than ever before in this <br />City. We made a huge improvement to our downtown when we passed the Smart Streets <br />initiative and now a lot of things are happening not only in the Central Business District but also <br />across the river. We need more people living downtown and patronizing all the restaurants in the <br />DTSB dining association. He stated he was there for part of the East Bank Plan, the Jefferson <br />Street improvement came from that which lead to some new restaurants developing down there. <br />The speed of development and technology is vastly improving, the iPhone was only invented in <br />2007. Mr. McDonnell stated that only a couple of years ago Rob Bartels was living in St. Joseph <br />Michigan when he decided to come back to South Bend and live downtown. Martins is <br />committed to developing what everyone has said is so important which is having a grocery store <br />downtown and pharmacy. He stated he is looking to pay off his mortgage out in Granger in the <br />next five (5) years and is tired of mowing the lawn and shoveling the snow. If Mr. Mathews can <br />provide something that is compatible to two (2) dogs he would definitely live in this building. <br />Mr. Mathews does a great job envision what the future of this City should be. <br />Dawn Deats, 1031 East Jefferson, stated he has lived in the East Bank for fourteen (14) years and <br />the Sunnymede Neighborhood for ten (10) years before that. We are starving for amenities which <br />density will bring. The East Bank Plan's main goal was for the neighborhood to be energetic and <br />vibrant which is what we are after. He stated he is always willing to risk someone else's money. <br />19 <br />