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REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 14, 2016 <br />Sharon Baniki, 3822 Ford Street, stated she wishes she could be as optimistic as the previous <br />speakers and hopes that Mr. Mathews gets his building. The whole downtown right now is being <br />built on speculation for Smart Streets and here is a developer who is offering $50 million of his <br />own money speculating that it is going to work and for whatever reason everyone is questioning <br />it. It won't cost taxpayers any money and the developer is putting up all the risk. If the <br />apartments don't rent at his prices he has stated he will lower the rent. If the developer is so <br />eager to be flexible, the City should return the favor. <br />Matt Hall, 116 South Niles Avenue, stated he lives a few blocks from where the proposed project <br />will be. He stated he strongly agrees with the arguments previously made in favor of the project. <br />He stated he is a faculty member at the University if Notre Dame and a regular responsibility of <br />his is to interview job candidates. Ten (10) to fifteen (15) times a year he is sitting down with <br />young professionals who are debating if they should come live in South Bend. The University <br />has a very easy pattern developed. If the person. wants to live in the suburbs with big yards, we <br />drive them around Granger and Mishawaka and we have a really good success rate with those <br />people. However, a lot of people don't want to live in that environment. We recruit from all over <br />the country and many want a vibrant and urban community. They want to walk to restaurants and <br />bars and have community activities going on down their street. Those type of people ask about <br />living in South Bend and they ask questions like is there a grocery downtown or a twenty -four <br />(24) hour pharmacy or are there new apartments being built. Those people want options and <br />unfortunately the University has to try to change the topic. Mr. Hall stated this project excites <br />him as a resident because he is thrilled to have a pharmacy and grocery store three (3) blocks <br />down the street but the really exciting part is as a faculty member at a major employer in the area <br />to be able to tell job candidates about walking three (3) blocks down the street to pick up <br />groceries. He implored the Council to improve the proposal. <br />Shannon McTeague, 226 East Bartlett Street South Bend IN, stated she works at 419 West <br />Jefferson Blvd so she both works and lives in Downtown South Bend. She stated she intends to <br />put her roots down in this area and she is the third generation of her family to live in St. Joseph <br />County. South Bend has to move into this direction and continue to flourish. She stated she <br />desires to immerse herself into the people and culture of South Bend. This community has so <br />much to offer and this project will only increase the benefits of living here. <br />Jacob Titis, 633 Cottage Grove, stated the planners who spoke about the lack of open space were <br />misleading. First, the project only removes space that is currently a level parking lot which is not <br />used much for anything except people parking. He stated he spent this whole summer working in <br />the Commerce Center and we were the only people currently using that space. Taking away that <br />parking lot would not make any mark on this City. This is an opportunity to put people there <br />where they are able to use and enjoy the river and other amenities nearby. <br />Lionel Jensen, 1305 Ridgedail Rd South Bend IN, stated he is very enthusiastically in favor of <br />this proposal. He thanked the Council for giving the public an opportunity to speak and thanked <br />the Council for all of their work over the past few years. South Bend has witnessed a lot of <br />changes over the last several years and this Council had a good part in that. The Council has a <br />fiduciary commitment to this community. Mr. Mathew's is an exemplar of what we should do <br />and do right in this town. There is such meaningful growth here and we have to make sure we <br />embrace this positive change. There is genuine synergy here and with Notre Dame. He stated <br />Notre Dame has hired five (5) employees in Asian Studies over the past six (6) months and they <br />have all come to downtown and wanted to live here. They all wanted to be downtown. We have <br />people from the East and West Coasts leaving their schools because money is collapsing around <br />academia there, while here Notre Dame and our inner city are supporting it. The Council should <br />have faith that the energy of this development is just one (1) small part of growing positive <br />change in our community. This town has wanted to grow for fifty (50) years and now it is not <br />haphazard and it is focused. We have unique and complex growth in South Bend right now and <br />let us not let the inches or the miles or the feet get into the way of something that would bring <br />great honor to our community. <br />Adam McMillen, 215 East Colfax, stated he has family in Manchester Massachusetts which is <br />fairly similar to South Bend as an old industry town. That town had done a wonderful job <br />bringing in young people to breathe life into their City. South Bend is making the moves to get to <br />18 <br />