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Community and economic l~e~eloprnent Committee <br />April 23, Zoo? <br />Page 4 <br />Patrick McMahan noted that last Fall the Council talked about getting together on a <br />regular basis to receive updates on Project Future. Today would be the first of those <br />updates. He provided four (4) handouts to the Committee which he then reviewed with <br />the Committee. Mr. McMahon stated that he would like to have a series of meetings, <br />perhaps two months apart to review all of the topics. <br />Dr. Varner suggested that perhaps there should be a session on the "101Topics" which <br />the Council has had in the past. <br />In response to a question from Council President Rouse, Mr. McMahan projected that <br />each topic would take about an hour. President Rouse suggested that perhaps a <br />retreat format might be used. <br />Council Member Pfeifer noted that she would be against dinner meetings, and stressed <br />that all Council Members need to participate. <br />Council Member Puzzello noted that Kate McEnroe, the speaker at the Project Future <br />Annual meeting, was excellent. Mr. McMahon noted that she would be involved with <br />many communities in the ongoing review from multi-faceted development perspectives. <br />Mr. McMahon then reviewed the first handout <br />Handout # 1: "Potential Counci[ Discussion To ics-Ma"or Economic <br />©e~elopment Issues": <br />• Local Economic Profile <br />• Business Attraction and Retention <br />• Competitive Posture <br />• Human Resources <br />• Transportation and Utilities <br />• Sites, Buildings, Industrial and Office Parks <br />• Business Counseling (Small Business Development Center) <br />• Metronet <br />• Technology Park <br />• Overview of Incentives (County, City, State) <br />Mr. McMahon then reviewed the second handout. <br />Handout # 2: "U.S. 31 Project Summary Status, March, 2D07": <br />• There are three (3) segments: St. JosephlMarshall County EIS; Howard <br />CountylKokomo EIS; and Hamilton County EIS <br />