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Community and Economic Development Committee <br />April 23, 2D07 <br />Page 3 <br />better than the origins[ one proposed. He commended the work of Council Member <br />Dieter and Council President Rouse in developing a winlwin solution for their expansion. <br />Council Member Pfeifer added that Stanz was very involved in providing donations <br />when she was working at the treatment center. <br />Council Member Dieter requested favorable action on Stanz, noting that they have been <br />a long-term corporate citizen that works for the betterment of the community. <br />Council Member White made a motion, seconded by Council Member Puzzello that <br />Substitute Bill No. 07-61 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Bill No, 07-62: A Resoltuion Authorizin the Ma or to Submit an A lication to <br />the Indiana Finance Authorit for a Sti elated Remediation Grant of u to <br />$100,000 for Property Located at 101 North Michigan Street: <br />Council Member Dieter called for a formal presentation on Bill No. 07-62 (copy <br />attached). <br />Ann E. Kolata, Senior Redevelopment Specialist with the Community and Economic <br />Development Department, made the formal presentation. She noted that the resolution <br />would authorize the city to submit an application for a Stipulated Remediation Grant. It <br />would be presented to the lndiana Finance Authority, as part of the Indiana Brownfields <br />Program. The grant would be for asbestos abatement for the property located at 101 <br />North Michigan Street, with the regulations requiring that the City be the grant applicant. <br />The total cost of the project called the "All American Plaza" is projected to be $7 million. <br />In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Ms. Kolata stated that she believed that Brad <br />Toothacher was the local agent and contact person for the project. <br />In response to a question from Council President Rouse, Ms. Kolata stated that she <br />does not see remediation of this type being a big problem. The remediation would be <br />for the pipe wrapping and wrapping with the heating and air conditioning units. <br />Following discussion, Council Member Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Council <br />Member Kelly that Bill No. 07-62 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br />passed. <br />Proiect Future Update by Patrick McMahon: <br />Council Member Dieter welcomed the Executive Director of Project Future to the <br />committee. <br />