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Committeemember Voorde asked how many stations there are that are designed to accommodate <br />both sexes. <br />Chief Cox stated that Station Ten (10), Station Two (2), Station Five (5), and Central are, and <br />Station Four (4) wasn't initially built to house women but will be able to shortly because it has <br />been modified. When we build new stations we have separate quarters with individual rooms. <br />Each shift will share two (2) rooms with a locked facility they can use in between the two (2) <br />rooms. <br />Brian King from Epic Architecture was also present to represent the firm that is working on the <br />new station. <br />Chief Cox continued on to the smoke detector and carbon monoxide program. They have <br />secured donations from Lowes, Walmart, Red Cross, and First Response. The department has <br />been going out and installing smoke detectors, and as the program has expanded, they have <br />changed the way they are doing the program. When the one (1) fire death occurred this year, the <br />individual units canvassed the homes in the several block area and handed out eighty (80) smoke <br />detectors within several days following the incident, knowing that there was a heightened interest <br />in that neighborhood in protecting their families from fires. <br />When we go into a neighborhood immediately following an incident like that, there are more <br />people who are interested in allowing us into their homes to get detectors installed. <br />We are also continuing to look at challenges and opportunities manifested by the Affordable <br />Care Act. We're evaluating partnerships that will position the department to provide community <br />paramedicine, which is a concept that is evolving the way EMS service is provided to folks <br />before 911 is called. For example, if there is a person you care for that has a chronic condition, <br />who calls the EMS often, in a non - emergent setting, you would check their blood sugar and <br />blood pressure, check their heart on a cardiac monitor and call their doctor, and get them taken <br />care of with Medicare or Medicare issues. <br />Chief Meyer, the EMS Chief, is working with several different local agencies and Memorial <br />Hospital to try to get this program up and running, and there has been interest from local <br />organizations to help fund the program. There will probably be more information forthcoming <br />once we have the plan fully developed and actually have paramedics going out into the <br />neighborhoods. <br />We are also looking at long -term station relocation and replacement efforts. Finishing the <br />Station Four (4) project is the top goal and challenge for 2017. The building there used to house <br />our garage, but after the City merged everything into the Central Services, that building is just <br />huge, and the space isn't used for what it once was designed for. We are working with Epic <br />Architects to design the building, and that process is almost complete. <br />C <br />