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We've also been working on our five (5) year capital plan. This year we put two (2) pumper <br />trucks out to bid along with one (1) ambulance. We are also in the process of purchasing a new <br />HASMAT truck. Those were all things that fit into our five (5) year capital plan as far as <br />purchasing vehicles goes. <br />Next year we'll have a ladder truck, vehicle extrication equipment and helmets, which are <br />changed out every ten (10) years by NFPA requirements. This year puts us at about nine (9) <br />years with the current set of helmets that we purchased. We'll also be applying for assistance <br />through the federal government to try to cover the cost of the helmets through a grant. Chief <br />Cox cautioned the Council, because it is a very competitive process, and we apply to AFG <br />almost every year for a piece of equipment that is costly to the department. FEMA looks at the <br />needs and the means of the City, but we are not in as bad of a place as a lot of other cities. <br />Traditionally, we've been passed over because we are in better shape than those other places, but <br />that is not to say that we have not been successful in getting the grants. We've received them in <br />the past, so we're going to continue to apply for them. <br />We are doing a mobile data terminal upgrade for all of our vehicles, which are basically the <br />laptop computers that sit in the fire trucks and ambulances and other response vehicles. We also <br />have been looking at our long term strategic station relocation program, which does not just <br />include the two (2) stations that we've been hearing about. We are continually evaluating <br />whether or not we have the right resources in the right places in the City. <br />Additionally, on October 1, 2016, Chuck Steele will have his fiftieth (50th) anniversary as a <br />sworn firefighter for the City of South Bend. To our knowledge, there has never been anyone <br />who has hit this milestone in our department. We'll be having a ceremony that Monday, October <br />3rd at the Central Station. Chief Cox will be sending an invitation out to the Council soon. <br />Chief Cox stated that the recruitment committee will continue to improve on its current initiative <br />by collaborating with HR and the new diversity and inclusion officer. Even though they are <br />testing, the recruitment process never ends. They are already working with members of the <br />committee to enhance the success in the next recruitment cycle. Christina Brooks has been <br />fantastic to work with so far, too. <br />In the wellness and fitness initiative, they completed the first round of work performance <br />evaluations from a fitness perspective. It was performed by an external company, and they took <br />a lot of things into account in terms of age and number of years with the department and used <br />them to validate a time for everyone, so it was not a random number that we came up with. <br />Committeemember Voorde asked if they ever run into problems in the older fire stations <br />regarding gender diversity. <br />Chief Cox stated that Station Nine (9) was built in 1926, and women were not firefighters at that <br />time. In that building there are two (2) unisex bathrooms, but there is only one (1) very small <br />common room for sleeping and one (1) locker room, which does not accommodate two (2) sexes. <br />When we rebuild, it will be built to accommodate two (2) sexes so that people have the privacy <br />they need. <br />5 <br />