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are recovering through user fees, and those would also include other sources of income including <br />grants. <br />There is a new category called PSA SMA, and those are the transfers in as service management <br />agreements with some of the other departments. That's how each traditional budget is still in the <br />ordinance and still funded, but we are paying professional service agreements or service <br />management agreements to get corporate level support. <br />On the expense side, facilities and grounds is the largest portion of our expenses. The overall <br />budget review and the changes this year are pretty basic. Healthcare, the mayor's desire to <br />increase the minimum wage, and some new compliance we have to do with the Department of <br />Labor in overtime rules accounts for many of the changes. <br />Committee Chair White asked in terms of the interfund allocations, how much of that additional <br />cost goes back to IT? <br />Mr. Perri responded $600,000. <br />Committee Chair White stated that most of that $700,000 is for IT. She asked if Mr. Perri has <br />been told what they are receiving for that, or is that just maintaining what they have in terms of <br />IT? <br />Mr. Perri stated that is a charge that we have historically been responsible for as a department. <br />IT was covered outside of the City, and now this year they are asking each department to take on <br />that responsibility. It is based on the number of employees, phones, and computers in the <br />department. They'll take care of all of the backbone infrastructure, and it has removed the <br />internal IT people, centralizing it. <br />Committee Chair White asked if he sees the budget being reduced as everything becomes more <br />centralized, and we have also spoken to the point of needing to make sure you have the support <br />to do the things you are talking about. If you do not have the financial support to do those things, <br />it is very difficult to come back and say this is what you need. <br />Mr. Perri stated that the new duties they are talking about taking on, right now they are talking <br />about what they need to accomplish those. In terms of the groups that are coming together here, <br />there is not a lot of cost savings that we are looking at. By putting people together, we're able to <br />get those additional positions that we haven't been able to get in the past. We'll be able to <br />become more efficient. We can't approach it as though we are saving money, we are <br />redeploying the resources in a more effective manner. <br />Committeemember Regina Williams- Preston asked if we are going to say that we need to make <br />sure we are retaining, are we actually increasing salaries because of different responsibilities. <br />Mr. Perri stated that the scenario is true. In terms of the top, there is no assumption, we're in the <br />middle of our Teamsters negotiation, so we didn't want to put anything in there so there <br />wouldn't be a shift after the budget negotiations. <br />19 <br />